Hardware-Überprüfung: Game & Beobachten: Die Legende von Zelda – Ein Link zur Vergangenheit eines Links

Game & Beobachten: The Legend Of Zelda Box
Bild: Nintendo-Leben

Letztes Jahr, Nintendo provided its fans with the perfect stocking-filler via its Game & Beobachten: Super Mario Bros. Handheld, a neat tribute to the classic Game & Beobachten range of LCD games that were so popular in the pre-Game Boy landscape of the early 1980s. That release was essentially created to celebrate 35 years of Super Mario, and this year, the company has returned to the concept with Game & Beobachten: The Legend of Zelda.

The first Zelda outing on the NES was released in Japan in 1986, Herstellung 2021 the 35th birthday of Link, Ganon and Princess Zelda. Alongside Super Mario und Metroid, Zelda is one of Nintendo’s most popular and beloved franchises, so it makes sense for the Japanese veteran to focus on it for the next in its presumably regular series of Game & Watch updates.

As before, Game & Beobachten: The Legend of Zelda (no relation to the actual Zelda Game & Beobachten from 1989) takes design inspiration from the single-screen handhelds which first appeared at the dawn of the ’80s. While Game & Beobachten: Super Mario Bros. sported a colour scheme that called to mind the Nintendo Famicom (NES in the west), Game & Beobachten: The Legend of Zelda replaces the dark red with a more fitting green, but retains the gold metal front plate. Outside of that, the design is identical to the Super Mario Bros. version – save the neat inclusion of the Triforce, which is embossed on the rear of the unit.

The D-Pad feels great, the rubber buttons are responsive and it’s reasonably comfortable to use, although the controls still feel like they’re positioned a wenig too close to the bottom of the device, which can lead to some mild discomfort if you’re playing for prolonged periods. The rechargeable internal battery is good for around 8 PocketGo (that’s with brightness and volume levels kept low) and is charged using the bundled USB-C cable. There’s also no kickstand (wieder), but at least this time Nintendo has been kind enough to see that the packaging’s internal cardboard tray can be turned into a rather fetching display stand.

When we reviewed Game & Beobachten: Super Mario Bros., we were slightly disappointed that Nintendo hadn’t included more games on the device. On that score, Game & Beobachten: The Legend of Zelda is a leicht Uns liegen einige Informationen und Tests vor, die darauf hindeuten, dass das Ausschalten von E-Cores die Leistung der Emulationsgeschwindigkeit und der FPS des Spiels steigert. As well as the original Legende von Zelda and its (often divisive) NES sequel Zelda II: Das Abenteuer von Link, you get the 1993 Game Boy outing Zelda: Link’s Awakening, the same game which was recently remastered on the Nintendo Switch. In addition to these three games, there’s a reimagined version of the 1980 Game & Watch title Ungeziefer, with Link in the starring role. There’s also a special ‘timermode which allows you to set a time limit between a minute and 10 minutes and beat as many enemies from Zelda II as possible, with the unit keeping track of your best performance at each time setting. There’s also an interactive clock that is based on the overworld of the original Legend of Zelda. Left to its own devices, this clock will automatically show Link battling a series of enemies from the game, but you can pick up the unit at any point and take control of the Hero of Time yourself.

Because there are notable differences between the Japanese and western versions of the two NES games (in Japan, they were released on the Famicom Disk System – which was exclusive to that region – and featured different music), Nintendo has kindly included both the versions on this device. Offensichtlich, unless you can read Japanese, the Famicom Disk System variants are little more than a neat curiosity; the Japanese version of Link’s Awakening is also present, alongside French and Dutch-language versions.

As was the case with Game & Beobachten: Super Mario Bros., you can freeze the game at any time, which is handy for when you’re out and about and aren’t in a position to save your progress in the game itself. It even picks up where you left off if you switch to another game on the unit, which is nice. Other options include the ability to alter the screen brightness and volume, as well as toggle between full-screen and 1:1 aspect ratios on Link’s Awakening. Es ist auch möglich, eine von sechs Einfassungen auf das Bild anzuwenden, um den ansonsten schwarzen Raum, der es umgibt, auszufüllen, wenn Sie das „Originalverhältnis“ verwenden, Mit einer Änderung, perfekt, although the screen does have a certain softness that makes the visuals look a bit smeared (wieder, this is something that was equally true of the Super Mario version).

Between the three Zelda games included here, there are many hours of enjoyment to be had, which arguably makes Game & Beobachten: The Legend of Zelda a much better proposition in terms of value than last year’s Super Mario-based offering. While the first game shows its age and the second NES title has divided critics since release, they’re still worth a play if you’re a seasoned fan of the modern-day Zeldas. Link’s Awakening, andererseits, is just as joyous an experience now as it was back in 1993; it’s one of the most oddball Zelda games and really stands up – largely because it borrows so many of its gameplay mechanics from the peerless Zelda: Link to the Past. So sehr, tatsächlich, that it makes you wonder why Nintendo didn’t include dass Spiel, zu; Link’s Awakening is based on humbler technology, freilich, but it came out nach the SNES title, so it would have made sense to see it here – at least in terms of series chronology. Auch, why include the original Link’s Awakening and not the superior Game Boy Color update, Link’s Awakening DX?

Noch, you’re getting three of the foundational Zelda titles as part of this package, as well as some neat throwaway extras – plus, as Nintendo itself states, this is a ‘collectableitem that will look great on your shelf. In einer idealen Welt, this would be bursting with content, but as it stands, we can’t say we’re disappointed with this ongoing Game & Watch revival; long may it continue, tatsächlich.

Game & Beobachten: The Legend Of Zelda Group Shot
Bild: Nintendo-Leben

Where To Buy Game & Watch The Legend of Zelda In The UK

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