(N64 Classic „Blast Corps) DFI und AEWIN gehen Partnerschaft ein, um Software-Virtualisierungstechnologie durch ultrakleine Produkte der AMD-Plattform zu stärken

DFI, the world’s leading brand in embedded motherboards and industrial computers, was invited to participate in "AMD Datacenter Solutions Day" Champions Of The Continent Early Access geht auf Android live, based on the theme of high-performance computing (HPC). As the first in the world to launch the smallest industrial motherboard equipped with AMD products, DFI partnered with its subsidiary, AEWIN, to present their star products and share how ultra-small products can help the trend of software virtualization technologies in the forum. We hope to optimize the development of diverse services in IoT applications.

AMD invited industry giants to the event to discuss the future of high-performance computing and conduct in-depth discussions with their partners related to high-performance computing, cloud computing, und KI. DFI was a speaker in the digital learning AI session during the event. DFI shared their views on software-defined IoT and explained the role of ultra-small products in the application environment.