Details emerge for Monster Hunter Stories 2 and Monster Hunter Rise Update Ver. 2.0

Hunters and Riders, get ready! The Monster Hunter Digital Event – April 2021 just wrapped up and brought us hefty news drops, which debuted gameplay info for Monster Hunter Stories 2: Wings of Ruin (coming July 9) and broke down the plethora of content in Monster Hunter Rise Update Ver. 2.0 (coming later tonight!)

Before we get started with today’s news, we’d love to hear
your thoughts so far on Monster Hunter
, Monster Hunter Stories 2
and the Digital Event. So if you care to share your opinion, please fill out
this brief survey; it should only take a few minutes to complete and we really
appreciate your feedback.

Monster Hunter Survey – April 2021

If you’ve already watched the full Digital Event – April 2021, you’re actually caught up on today’s
news. But if you haven’t watched it yet and want to do so, here it is:

Now onto the news!

Unraveling Monster Hunter Stories 2: Wings of Ruin

The latest trailer for Monster
Hunter Stories 2
continues to unravel some story details, and welcomes
returning characters Lilia and Reverto. It also featured a surprising number of
Hunters that you’ll encounter in your journey. Who are they? What is their
motivation for pursuing Razewing Ratha? Will they be an aid or an obstacle in
uncovering Ratha’s secret? So many questions… and we hope you’re ready to seek
out the answers on July 9.

We’ve also debuted gameplay details for Monster Hunter Stories 2, giving you a glimpse of how we’ve improved
upon the turn-based combat mechanics of the first game. In addition to the
three attack types (Power, Speed, and Technical), you can also target specific monster
parts to get part breaks that can prevent enemy attacks and add even more depth
and strategy to battles. The big new addition, however, is the Battle Buddy system,
which allows you to bring a buddy (and their Monstie, if they have one) to
battle alongside you. This will open up new combos and opportunities for you to
explore as you take on some of the tougher challenges in the game.

The hunt continues in Monster Hunter Rise Update Ver. 2.0

Speaking of tough challenges, I hope you’re ready for the
arrival of the classic Elder Dragon trifecta and new Apex Monsters in Monster Hunter Rise! These additional
monsters (along with a number of features) are coming in hot as the update will
be available later tonight (April 27th after 5:00pm PDT / April 28th
after 1:00 BST). Here’s the breakdown of what’s included:

Starting with the aforementioned monsters, Chameleos, the
stealthy and poisonous Elder Dragon makes its surprise return after a long
hiatus in the series. We know you’re very curious to see how the Ancient
Phantom has adapted to the new game systems… and we’re just as eager to see
your reactions to it!

Teostra and Kushala Daora are also returning, rounding out
the Elder Dragon trio. New hunting tools have come into play since we last saw
these monsters, so be sure to try out new tactics… and be ready for anything.

Let’s talk Apex Monsters now. Since launch, we’ve only
encountered Apex Arzuros, Apex Rathian and Apex Mizutsune as part of the
Rampage. However, our Kamura scouts have started to spot them in the wild, and
we need you to take care of these major threats. This time you won’t have the
help of Hunting Installations, so bring your best gear and work together as
team to take them down!

Meanwhile, Apex Rathalos and Apex Diablos are storming the
Stronghold as tougher Rampage Quests are added to the mix. To those brave
enough to face these foes: good luck!

Fashion Hunting

We know you’ve been dying to customize your looks without
having to compromise on stats and armor skills, so we’re happy to be adding the
option to craft Layered Armor in Monster
Hunter Rise
! After downloading Version 2.0 and unlocking your Hunter Rank
Cap, you’ll be able to earn Outfit Vouchers, that can be used to craft a Layered
Armor version of any of the armor sets in the game!

Also, we’ll be adding new downloadable Event Quests for you
to take on. Each quest can be accessed either online or offline after being
downloaded, and will provide a unique twist to the quest itself and/or rewards.
And… watch out: some of the rewards will be Layered Armor, so stay tuned for

To wrap things up for today, we wanted to narrow down the window for our upcoming Monster Hunter Rise Update Version 3.0, now slated for launch by end of May 2021! This next update will bring in new challenges as well as an additional ending to the Monster Hunter Rise story arc. More info on that coming at a later date, so keep your eyes on our Twitter and Facebook for the latest updates.

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