Aleatorio: Oh no, Internet piensa que Chris Pratt es como Mario Suena como Linda de Bob's Burgers

Does Mario sound like Linda from Bob's Burgers?

The internet’s response to the trailer for Los hermanos Super Mario. Movie was pretty darn good… salvo el esperado debut de Chris Pratt como Mario. The response to his choice of voice (which is, bien, Chris Pratt with a bit of a Brooklyn accent) was lukewarm, a lo mejor, not helped by Pratt’s own lukewarm intro to the trailer in which he said he loved stomping Koopas in the arcade game — which, por cierto, is impossible; they didn’t have Koopas in the arcade game, en realidad.

But it turns out that a lot of people out there think that Mario sort of sounds likeLinda Belcher from Hamburguesas de Bob.

You can’t unhear it, be warned:

We already know what you’re going to say. “It was just one line!” “Pratt sounds FINE, you’re all just having a slow news day.” “You’re just jumping on the Pratt-hating bandwagon for clicks.” “I’M VERY TIRED OF HEARING ABOUT THE STUPID MARIO MOVIE.” Escucha, we get it. One line sounding a bit like another cartoon character? Not the worst thing in the world. And Pratt probablemente sounds different in the rest of the movie. Probablemente.

But if we have to watch one and a half hours of Linda Belcher inside a short, pudgy plumber’s body? We’re going to have a very weird time at the cinema.

Arceus y Switch siguen siendo dominantes? Does this ruin Mario for you? Is Pratt’s voice fine, en realidad? Are you more likely to watch the movie now? Dinos en los comentarios.