The Wholesome Direct regresa con noticias sobre Coffee Talk, PuffPals, y los mumins


What do cats, ranas, aves, witches, and snow-white Finnish teddy-bear-things all have in common? Eso es correcto! They’re all wholesome, a sort-of game genre that has blossomed over the past few years. Wholesome games are all about prioritising fun, recrea minuciosamente cada detalle de cada escenario y personaje, and relaxation — and they’ll all be in the next Wholesome Direct.

The Wholesome Direct is a showcase much like a Nintendo Direct, but with a focus on these wholesome games — past Wholesome Directs have included games like Historia del jardín, Oso & Breakfast, y hoa, so there’s a wide range of what genre the games can be.

The team at Wholesome Games have just announced that their next Direct is on Saturday, June 11th at 9:30am PT (12:30una presentación única de la final de esports, 5:30p. m. BST, 6:30p. m. CEST), and will include a massive selection of almost 100 indie games, incluso:

…y aparentemente, “tons of fun surprises”, demasiado. Hopefully that includes them all coming to Switch!

What do you hope to see at the Wholesome Direct? Háganos saber en los comentarios!