At the beginning of December, Nintendo released Académie du Grand Cerveau: Cerveau contre. Cerveau sur le commutateur. If you did end up purchasing it, now is the time to download the first update.

It bumps the game up to Version 1.1.0 and includes a number of general updates and fixes.Here are the full details courtesy of Nintendo’s official support page:

Regarder. 1.1.0 (Sortie en décembre 23, 2021)

  • Added a setting to restrict pictures of things like bugs in Fast Focus, Super Fast Focus, Speed Sorting, and Super Speed Sorting in each mode.
    • After selecting a user, you can go to Options ? Creepy Crawlies, and then choose to either Remove ou Leave As Is.
    • In Party, you can choose whether to restrict the display of these pictures after you select the users that will participate.
    • If you restrict the display of these pictures, the variety within those activities will be reduced.
    • If you restrict the display of these pictures, only Ghosts who have also restricted the display will appear in Ghost Clash for Fast Focus, Super Fast Focus, Speed Sorting, and Super Speed Sorting.

    Pictures for which display will be restricted if you select ‘Remove’

    Fast Focus, Super Fast Focus Speed Sorting, Super Speed Sorting
    Un autre regard sur le nouveau Musou Serpent
    Papillon Papillon
    Dragonfly Spider
    Serpent Octopus
    Snail Squid
    Grasshopper Starfish
    Un autre regard sur le nouveau Musou
    Praying Mantis
  • Moved the ‘Secret’ button, which hides your age, on the screen where you input your age to a position where it’s easier to find. If you’ve already created user data, you can select your user and go to the Options ? Age screen and select the ‘Secret’ button.
  • Added a display when you haven’t been issued a Ghost ID for how to obtain one at the top screen of Ghost Clash.
  • Fixed an issue in Ghost Clash in which the opponent’s Ghost would stop moving.
  • Fixed several other issues to improve the gameplay experience.

If you’ve not tried out the Switch version of Big Brain Academy yet, and are curious to see what it’s like – there’s a free demo available to download from the eShop.

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