Bagarre d'art de boîte: Duel #100 – Super Smash Bros. Mêlée

Box Art Brawl Smash Melee
Image: La vie de Nintendo

Hello, and welcome to the 100th edition of Bagarre d'art de boîte!!

This is a pretty momentous occasion for us at Nintendo Life and all of you Box Art Brawl enthusiasts, so thank you for participating over the years! We have a big one to kick off the celebrations, mais d'abord, we need to look back at last week.

For the past two weeks, we’ve been looking at the box art for the Cinématique OlliOlli série, and last week it was the turn of 2007’s Mario Strikers chargé to take to the pitch. And this time, Europe & Japan’s box art came out on top with a pretty healthy 76% du vote! Both are pretty electrifying, but you made your voices heard here.

So what could be a worthy battle to commemorate our 100th edition of Box Art Brawl? It a être Super Smash Bros. Mêlée. We’ve already done the original N64 jeu, and Melee celebrated its 20th anniversary in Europe and Oceania in May, so this is parfait. is easily one of Nintendo’s most iconic video games. While the N64 game rang in the series, Melee is easily the game that defined it and made it the smash hit it is today. Il est encore played competitively today, and it also helped cement the GameCube controller’s status as one of the very best. Oui, we said it.

For this 100th round, we’ll be pitting the Japanese box art against the America & européen. Both are pretty iconic in different ways, but we want to hear what you think. Let’s make it a Brawl to remember!

Assurez-vous de voter dans le sondage ci-dessous; mais d'abord, vérifions les conceptions d'art de la boîte elles-mêmes.

Amérique du Nord & Europe

Smash Melee Box Art NA EU
Image: Nintendo

De, yes, this is the box art of many people’s childhood, their teenage years, etc. Iconic is an understatement. Mario, Lien, Bowser, and Pikachu are all getting ready to battle. Link’s Master Sword is plunging into Bowser’s flame. Many of the game’s characters (nouveaux et anciens) are in little boxes on the left and right of the cover. Cette was a signal that Smash would be getting a bit more real, as much as we love the cartoony box art of the N64 game.


Smash Melee Box Art
Image: Nintendo

But come on, you can’t deny this isn’t very cool, non plus. Melee was called Dairant? Smash Brothers DX in Japan, and on this cover, it looks like Mario and co. are facing off against Link & co. One thing we prefer about Japan’s cover is that a lot of the cast get a bit more space rather than just being popped in cute little icons at the sides. Zelda, Grimpeurs sur glace, Samus, Ness, Pêche, etc. — everyone is here! Sorte de. The sepia tone also gives it a classic feel, like this will be a clash of Nintendo’s classic titans.

We couldn’t think of a better game to celebrate our 100th edition than the game that literally puts Nintendo characters up against each other. And this is the series that helped give this feature a name, après tout.

Make sure you tune in next week to find out the results of this epic bout!

Merci d'avoir voté! Nous vous verrons la prochaine fois pour un autre tour du Box Art Brawl.