Platine “A regarder” La date de sortie de Sol Cresta est reportée en raison de problèmes techniques

Mettre à jour [Tue 11th Jan, 2022 05:30 GMT]: If you were wondering what happened to Platinum’s Crête du soleil broadcast that was scheduled to air on YouTube last weekend, it’s been postponed.

It’s apparently due totechnical difficultieswith streaming equipment and a new date for the broadcast will be organised soon. En attendant,, the company has reassured fans development of Sol Cresta isdoing just fine”.

Histoire originale [Thu 6th Jan, 2022 04:30 GMT]: Platinum’s shmup Crête du soleil suffered a last-minute delay towards the end of 2021 – with Hideki Kamiya announcing a December 9th launch would no longer be possible.

The team explained how the game needed some more development time and hoped fans would understand. Now a few months later, Platinum has announced it’ll be hosting a special live stream later this week on January 7th / 8th (en fonction de votre emplacement) to share some release date information.

As noted above, there’ll also be some other new announcements and even a viewer giveaway. So definitely tune in as it’s apparently amust-watchfor anyone excited about the release of Sol Cresta.

Are you looking forward to getting your hands on this game? Laissez un commentaire ci-dessous.