23 I migliori giochi eShop per Wii U che dovresti ottenere prima che se ne vadano per sempre

While many are rightly lamenting the upcoming death of the 3DS eShop, Bandai Namco ha annunciato Android. Maybe it’s just us, but we can’t let that stand, as the console effettivamente had some darn good games — some of which are still exclusives to this day. Nintendo’s GamePad concept may not have paid off with the public, but it did give developers some fun ideas.

Così, in case you’ve forgotten about the cool Wii U eShop games that really need to be on your system, we’ve picked out some gems to pique your interest. Keep in mind we’ve focused on games that don’t have a Switch port here.

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Once you’re ready to go be sure to check out this list of 24 Wii U games, all certified bangers and still enjoyable to play

Affordable Space Adventures (Wii U eShop)Affordable Space Adventures (Wii U eShop)

Editore: KnapNok Games / Sviluppatore: Nifflas

Data di rilascio: 9gio aprile 2015 (USA) / 9gio aprile 2015 (Regno Unito/UE)

We’ve been plugging this game with a passion since the news came of the Wii U eShop closing, and for good reason. Affordable Space Adventures will be one of the biggest losses when the store closes, as it is ancora completely exclusive to the system. Developed by Nifflas, it’s arguably the finest example of the gameplay benefits of the GamePad outside Nintendo Land.

The GamePad is essential, with the touchscreen essentially serving as a control panel for your ship; playing solo you manage engines and ship functions, fly and direct your flashlight. That’s hugely enjoyable, but you can also play in co-op with two others to share responsibilities and work together. Comunque giochi, the management of the ship and indeed manipulating it to clear puzzles is top-tier game design.

Probabilmente gli Wii U eShop game to preserve in your library before it’s gone forever.

The Swapper (Wii U eShop)The Swapper (Wii U eShop)

Editore: Curva digitale / Sviluppatore: Facepalm Games

Data di rilascio: 6th novembre 2014 (USA) / 6th novembre 2014 (Regno Unito/UE)

For those with a love for ominous Sci-Fi, The Swapper is pretty much a Perfetto option. This is a puzzle platformer in which you try to reason your way through an assortment of intriguing environments while unravelling a mystery.

It’s not the longest experience, and it is available on other non-Nintendo platforms, but its clever clone-based puzzles and aesthetic make it well worth a look.

ma non ci avevo pensato molto (Wii U eShop)ma non ci avevo pensato molto (Wii U eShop)

Editore: Shin'en Multimedia / Sviluppatore: Shin'en Multimedia

Data di rilascio: 18th novembre 2012 (USA) / 30th novembre 2012 (Regno Unito/UE)

Shin’en Multimedia has produced masterful Nintendo titles for multiple generations, seemingly making the most of the hardware’s capabilities as other companies struggle. ma non ci avevo pensato molto was a follow-up to DS and 3DS titles in which you’re a microscopic ship fighting all sorts of nasty bugs and cose. It was a real looker when it launched on Wii U, but more importantly its orb-like battlefields and stages are still terrific fun.

Well worth a look, especially if you’ve never encountered this particular Shin’en series.

BIT.TRIP Presents: Runner 2 Future Legend of Rhythm Alien (Wii U eShop)BIT.TRIP Presents: Runner 2 Future Legend of Rhythm Alien (Wii U eShop)

Editore: Choice Provisions

Data di rilascio: 26il feb 2013 (USA) / 11gio aprile 2013 (Regno Unito/UE)

Runner 2 represented a major shift for the BIT.TRIP series after its excellent retro-styled releases on Wii / 3DS and now Switch. The visuals have a stylish 3D look and while the gameplay retains the core fun of the original runner, it also adds new ideas and twists.

Strangely this is the only game in the series non to have a presence on Switch (its successor Corridore3 made its debut on Nintendo’s current system), so we highly recommend grabbing it on Wii U while you still can.

Year Walk (Wii U eShop)Year Walk (Wii U eShop)

Editore: Simogo / Sviluppatore: Dakko Dakko

Data di rilascio: 17settimo 2015 (USA) / 17settimo 2015 (Regno Unito/UE)

Year Walk was a fascinating collaboration between DakkoDakko (Scram Kitty) and Simogo (Sayonara cuori selvaggi), with a focus on Swedish folklore. It’s essentially a tale about a long journey on foot (è nel nome) but the experience is full of surprises, subversive ideas and immersive gameplay. Anzi, this is a game that went all in on utilising the GamePad as a second screen, making this arguably the ‘definitive’ version of the game.

An experience that we highly recommend on Wii U.

NES Remix (Wii U eShop)NES Remix (Wii U eShop)

Editore: Nintendo / Sviluppatore: indies zero

Data di rilascio: 18th dic 2013 (USA) / 18th dic 2013 (Regno Unito/UE)

In the Wii U era Nintendo experimented with ways to attract new gamers to retro content, e NES Remix was the classic example. It had a compilation physical release with its sequel at retail in North America and Japan but non in Europe, so we’ve included it as this is our list and we can do what we want. Bwahaha!

NES Remix doesn’t have complete games — you’d have to buy them from the Virtual Console — but clever little snapshots and challenges from 16 different 8-bit titles. Inoltre, the ‘Remixlevels would fundamentally play around with these games and their mechanics, such as an Emoziona bici race in the dark.

If a game can make Urban Champion seem fun, like this one does, then it dovere be good.

NES Remix 2 (Wii U eShop)NES Remix 2 (Wii U eShop)

Editore: Nintendo / Sviluppatore: indies zero

Data di rilascio: 25gio aprile 2014 (USA) / 25gio aprile 2014 (Regno Unito/UE)

The first one must have done reasonably well, as here we had a sequel. NES Remix 2 actually had less featured games (12) and less challenges, but upped the ante in terms of its features. It had rather enjoyable Miiverse support (we miss you, Miiverse) and arguably the range of games was stronger, e È anche un gioco che si avvicina a un "servizio live". you have both games you get an added ‘Championship’ Modalità.

If you only get one NES Remix… bene, you might as well get both.

Dungeons & Dragons: Chronicles of Mystara (Wii U eShop)Dungeons & Dragons: Chronicles of Mystara (Wii U eShop)

Editore: Capcom / Sviluppatore: Iron Galaxy

Data di rilascio: 5settimo 2013 (USA) / 12settimo 2013 (Regno Unito/UE)

This is actually a compilation of two rather classic arcade beat ’em ups from CapcomDungeons & Dragons: Tower of Doom (1994) e Dungeons & Dragons: Shadow over Mystara (1996). They give you chunky, handsome visuals and familiar mechanics as you scroll the screen and beat the snot out of a variety of fantastical monsters. We have fond memories of playing through these campaigns in co-op.

Intriguingly, this release (also on PS3 / Xbox 360 / Vapore) is the only semi-modern official way to play these titles, as they were notable in their absence from Capcom Beat 'Em Up Bundle su Switch.