Rissa di box art: Duel #101 – Final Fantasy VI

Box Art Brawl FF VI
Immagine: Nintendo Life

Saluti compagni terrestri, e benvenuti a un'altra edizione di Rissa di box art!

In last week’s epic battle to commemorate our 100th Box Art Brawl post, we took a look at the phenomenal GameCube brawler, Super Smash Bros. Mischia. It’s one of the most iconic Nintendo games of all time, senza domande, so naturally such a beloved title was the perfect fit for our Box Art Brawl milestone.

The results were honestly much closer than we’d anticipated, but nevertheless you lovely people decided that the box art for North America and Europe should take the crown, pulling in a respectable 61% del voto. Dopo aver detto che, many of you demonstrated a keen fondness for the Japanese box art, with its sepia tones and killer logo design winning over many fans.

Questa settimana, we’re on a bit of a Final Fantasy alto, so we’ll going to be pitting the Japanese box art for Final Fantasy VI against its US equivalent. Ora, those among you who arein the knowwill be aware of course that Final Fantasy VI released in the US as Final Fantasy III, owing to the fact that Final Fantasy II, III, and V had not previously been released in the region.

As a bonus, we’ll also take a peek at the box art for Final Fantasy VI Advance for the GBA and see how it stacks up, but keep in mind that this release won’t form part of the poll at the bottom; that’s reserved for the SNES games only!

So with that all said, let’s get cracking!

Assicurati di esprimere i tuoi voti nel sondaggio qui sotto; but first, diamo un'occhiata agli stessi disegni di box art.

Nord America

Immagine: Square Enix

Okay, così… Final Fantasy III. Or Final Fantasy VI. Uomo, this is confusing! Actually, it’s not, ignore us. The box art here actually reminds us a bit of The Legend of Zelda, with the sword forming part of the game’s logo in place of the letter ‘T’. You see the comparison, giusto?

It’s a pretty nice, understated composition overall, and of course we can’t not mention the adorable Moogle just chilling out there near the bottom cornertoo cute! It’s wildly different to the Japanese box art and doesn’t abbastanza fit in with the general visual theme that the series has gone for over the years, but we like it regardless!


FF VI Japan
Immagine: Square Enix

Right, so the Japanese box art for Final Fantasy VI is very Final Fantasy, if you get what we mean. The series has maintained the same logo style to this very day for a good reason; it’s simply iconic. Similarly, the artwork by Yoshitaka Amano is beautifulas it’s always been and always will be. It just screams Final Fantasy, giusto?

We’ve got a strong feeling the Japanese box art will come away with the win this week, È difficile da dire quando si tratta di PlatinumGames, a great deal of people seem to love the Moogles, so there’s every chance that North America could sneak in with the win!

Bonus – Final Fantasy VI Advance

FF6 Advance
Immagine: Square Enix

Sì, we said we’d take a look at the box art for Final Fantasy VI Advance, and here it is! It’s got a lot more in common with Japan’s SNES box art and maintains the seriesconsistent visual theme with both its logo and cover design. We love how understated this design is; you probably wouldn’t see anything like it in this day and age. Indeed, Square Enix itself is moving further into more “tradizionale” cover designs with the likes of Final Fantasy VII Remake e Final Fantasy XV.

So there you have it! We had fun with this one simple due to the drastic differences between the NA and Japanese box arts. Ora, if someone at Square Enix or Nintendo sees thisPlease bring Final Fantasy VI to the Switch. M’kay, Grazie.

Make sure you tune in next week to find out the results of this epic bout!

Grazie per aver votato! Ci vediamo la prossima volta per un altro round della Box Art Brawl.