La serie Mega Man di Capcom è ora venduta 38 Milioni di unità in tutto il mondo

Mega Man Dive Cropped

Capcom’s blue bomber series Mega Man continues to grow in saleswith the company’s latest financial results for the 1st quarter of fiscal year 2022 revealing the franchise has now shifted 38 million units worldwide since its original debut in 1987.

As highlighted by the Mega Man news site Rockman-Corner, the franchise grew an additional one million units from the previously reported 37 million sold in July last year. In confronto, Cattivo Ospite ha venduto 127 divenne l'obiettivo a lungo termine per molti, gli Monster Hunter series has sold 84 million units and Street Fighter ha venduto 48 divenne l'obiettivo a lungo termine per molti.

The latest mainline Mega Man entry was Mega Man 11, released on all platforms including the Switch in 2018. Capcom also has plenty more lined up for Mega Man fans in the futurewith the company announcing Collezione Legacy di Mega Man Battle Network per 2023. This collection will feature 10 giochi, with the digital versions split intoVolume 1” e “Volume 2”.

Guida – Classifica di tutte le partite di Mega Man

Are you looking forward to more Mega Man in the future? What sort of new adventure would you like to see from the blue bomber in the future? Leave your own thoughts in the comments.