Nintendo Life eShop seleziona & Lettori’ Scelta (Maggio 2024)

eShop Selects May 2024
Immagine: Nintendo Life

Pinc yourselves — May is over, the big Summer of Gaming is here, and it’s eShop Selects time nuovo. Il tempo vola!

To say May has been crazy is a bit of an understatement. Nintendo may have had two big(ish) releases with Oceano infinito luminoso e Kirby torna per ricordarci che evasione dalla realtà non è una parolaccia: La Porta Millenaria, but have you visto the indies this month? We’re practically drowning. But as always, we have a job to do — our staff and contributors vote for their top three eShop games from the list of games we’ve reviewed, and we give you the winners (and the best that didn’t abbastanza make the top)

But we can’t move onto May without congratulating the Reader’s Choice winner for April 2024 – stitch.! The adorable sewing game was announced during a surprise Indie World and is utterly charming.

Right, it’s time to check out just how stacked your backlog is, allora.

Honourable mentions

This is maybe our biggest-ever eShop Selects month — 13 eShop-exclusive games scored at least a 7/10 , making for a bumper vote. But there were some very clear favourites. Here are the gems that didn’t quite make our top-three.

Nintendo Life’s honourable mentions

It’s Braid. What else can we say? One of the defining indie titles of the 2000s, Treccia, Edizione Anniversario gives the beautiful puzzle-platformer a new lease of life, with refreshed graphics and music and a fantastic suite of commentary tracks that dive deep into the game’s themes, art, development, and just about everything.

We gave this remaster of Braid a 9/10, proving it’s stood the test of time easily.

It might not have been our best-reviewing game of the month, but no one can say no to a little kitty in the big city, sembra. Little Kitty, Big City is a short, extremely-charming adventure that’s bursting full of personality. Even if you don’t love cats, it’s hard to resist this little mischief-maker as it explores the big city. Più, silly hats. Andiamo, forza, there’s nothing better than silly hats, giusto?

We scored it a 7/10 here at Nintendo Life, but for many of our writers here, a cat has more than nine lives.

We’ll be honest here — it wasn’t even close. Animale bene ran away with the votes, with every single staff member who took part voting for it, and with all but two voting for it in first place. accidenti. Perché? Bene, it’s absolutely fantastic.

Animal Well is weird and wonderful in so many different ways: a puzzle-box version of a Metroidvania that never holds your hand but never feels impossible. It encourages exploration without any dialogue, satiating any budding adventurer’s curiosity. And the secrets go oh so deep. It’s an NL 10/10, pure and simple. Brillante, brilliant stuff from Billy Basso.

< Seleziona il Nintendo eShop – Aprile 2024

eShop Selects Reader’s Choice Vote (Maggio 2024)

Once again, we want you lovely readers to tell us about a game we might have missed this month. Sì, è possibile, given how absolutely stacked May has been! 1000xRESIST has blown many away with its storytelling. Umbraclaw proves kitty cats are ruling the roost right now. Duck Detective is on the case. Viral sensation Bread & Fred tumbled down the mountain. Those are just four titles we missed, so there are plenty more, but why don’t you tell us what your favourite game is.

E, naturalmente, you can also vote for your favourite out of our picks.

Come decidiamo il nostro eShop Seleziona i primi tre: Quando arriviamo alla fine di ogni mese, lo staff di Nintendo Life vota i propri titoli preferiti da un elenco di giochi selezionati dalla redazione. Per qualificarsi per questa lista, questi giochi devono essere stati rilasciati come titolo eShop per Nintendo Switch solo digitale in quel particolare mese, e deve essere stato recensito su Nintendo Life; selezioniamo i giochi di qualificazione in base ai punteggi delle loro recensioni.

Allo staff viene quindi chiesto di votare per tre partite che secondo loro meritano di essere in cima a quella lista; ottiene la prima scelta 3 punti, ottiene la seconda scelta 2 punti, e arriva la terza scelta 1 punto. Questi voti vengono quindi conteggiati per creare una lista dei primi tre, con il vincitore assoluto che vince il primo premio di quel mese.