PS5 Beta introduce il supporto a 1440p, Gamelist, e altro ancora – PlayStation.Blog

Since PS5 launched, we’ve been listening to your feedback and working every day to bring you more community-requested features. Oggi, we are rolling out a new PS5 system software beta that includes 1440p support, gamelists, and additional updates to enhance your gaming experiences and make connecting with friends easier on PS5.

While beta access is limited to invited participants in select countries*, our goal is to bring these updates to our global community later this year. If you’re selected to participate in the beta, you’ll receive an email invitation when it’s available to download today. Come sempre, some features available during the beta phase may not make it into the final version or may see significant changes.

Ecco uno sguardo ad alcune delle nuove funzionalità:

Nuove opzioni di gioco e personalizzazione

  • 1440p HDMI Video Output
    • The PS5 beta introduces support for 1440p HDMI video output, enabling players to choose an additional visual setting on compatible PC monitors and TVs.**
    • If the game you’re playing supports 1440p rendering you can experience native 1440p output on your display.
    • O, if you’re playing a game with a higher native resolution like 4K, then you may benefit from improved anti-aliasing through supersampling down to 1440p output.
    • You can check if your HDMI device is compatible by selecting “Test 1440p Output” under “Screen and Video” options within system settings.
  • Gamelist
    • In your Game Library you can now create gamelists, which make organizing your games even easier.
    • Iniziare, nei mattoncini LEGO, decisamente non a forma di globo [Your Collection] tab and select [Create Gamelist]. Choose games to add to your gamelist, then decide what to name it.
    • Puoi avere fino a 15 gamelists and 100 games per gamelist. All games under the “Your Collection” tab of your Game Library can be added to a gamelist, including disc, digital and streaming titles.*** You can also add the same game to multiple gamelists.
  • Compare 3D Audio and Stereo Audio
    • You can now listen to and compare the difference between 3D and stereo audio on the same screen, and then choose your preferred setting.
  • Easier Access to In-progress Activities
    • When resuming a game, in-progress activities are often shown prominently at the top of the game hub to make it as easy and as fast as possible to get back to where you left off.

Nuove funzioni sociali

  • Request Share Screen
    • You can now request party members to start Share Screen to watch their gameplay. Go to the voice chat card, select the party member you want to send the request to, e poi selezionare [Request Share Screen].
  • Joinable Game Notification
    • When you join a party and a party member is playing a game you can join, you’ll now receive a notification. You can join the game directly from the notification.
  • View New Friends’ Profiles
    • When you accept a friend request in the [Received] questo rimane uno dei migliori esempi là fuori, you can now view your new friend’s profile in [Accepted Requests].
  • Send Stickers and Voice Messages in Game Base
    • In the Game Base card, you can now send stickers and voice messages to your groups.

We’re always grateful to our beta community for helping us take new console features for a spin. Thanks to all our players for your support and feedback!

*PS5 beta access will be available to selected participants in the U.S., Canada, Japan, U.K., Germania e Francia (same countries as our last system software beta).
**1440p compatible TV or PC monitor required. I risultati possono variare a seconda del gioco in corso. Please note: VRR on PS5 supports 1080p and 4K video output but not 1440p.
***Streaming only available in select countries/regions with PlayStation Plus Premium. For details see ecco.