It’s Official, Nintendo Has Withdrawn Super Smash Bros. From EVO 2022

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
Image: Nintendo

As you might recall, last March – Sony Interactive Entertainment and esports business RTS jointly acquired the fighting game tournament Evo. Nintendo at the time said it would continue to “assess” Evo, as it planned for future Super Smash Bros. tournament activity.

It seems now a decision has been made. According to an announcement from the team at Evo, Nintendo has decided to withdraw Super Smash Bros. from the event. It’s admittedly a massive blow, as the series has been featured at the fighting game tournamnet since 2007.

Here’s the full statement from Evo:

“Since 2007, we’ve seen historic Super Smash Bros. moments created at Evo’s events. We are saddened that Nintendo has chosen not to continue that legacy with us this year. In the future, we hope to once again celebrate the Super Smash Bros. community alongside them.”

As noted above, the Evo 2022 announcement show will take place on March 8.

Nintendo previously mentioned how it “enjoyed engaging with fans at past Evo tournaments” and wished the show organisers all the best in their new venture. Most recently, Nintendo has been hosting its own tournament events in partnership with Panda Global.

If we hear any updates, we’ll let you know. How do you feel about this decision? Leave a comment down below.