Pokémon’s Diamond And Pearl Remakes Are Already The ‘Best Sellers’ On The Switch eShop Charts

Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl arrived on the Nintendo Switch this week, so how are they going so far? While we’ll likely have to wait a little bit longer for some proper sales data to surface, according to the charts on the Nintendo Switch eShop, Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl are already top sellers in the US, UK, Japan, and even countries like Australia.
So which version is number one? In every location mentioned, it’s Pokémon Brilliant Diamond – featuring the legendary Dialga. The remakes of the popular Nintendo DS titles have the potential to rack up quite a lot of sales in the long run – with the Nintendo Switch recently surpassing 92 million hardware sales.
Sales of previous Pokémon game releases on the hybrid platform have also performed incredibly well. Sword and Shield and Let’s Go Pikachu & Eevee are part of Switch’s top ten best-selling games list. Sword and Shield have sold over 22 million copies and the Let’s Go games have shifted close to 14 million so far.
During the Nintendo DS generation, the Diamond and Pearl games were able to sell over 17 million copies and became the highest-selling pocket monster games on the platform at the time.
Have you contributed to the eShop success of Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl on the eShop? Or did you pick up a physical copy instead? Leave a comment down below.