What Are You Playing This Weekend? (December 11th)

Image: Devolver Digital

Another week down as we roll towards the holidays. This week we’ve seen a bunch of games, a few performances, and even an award or two at The Game Awards. Elsewhere, Paper Mario came to the NSO Expansion Pack, some wag hacked Chris Pratt’s voice into Super Mario Bros., and we sadly said goodbye to the man who designed two of the most iconic video games consoles ever made

Now, though, it’s time to chill out and discuss our weekend gaming plans. A few members of the Nintendo Life team have done just that below, so feel free to give our entries a read and then join in with your own via our comment section. Enjoy!

Gavin Lane, editor

I’ve got Spider-Man fever and that’s no lie. Sure, the prospect of possibly seeing Tobey Maguire back in his onesie in No Way Home might be a total nostalgia play, but it’s been a long year (again) and the idea of sitting in a cinema and watching the new Spider-Man and the new Ghostbusters and the new Matrix movies back-to-back feels comforting. Expectations dialled right down appropriately, of course.

Oh yes, video games. After compiling our reader-ranked list of the best Spider-Man games on Nintendo platforms (with Tom and Kate doing the lion’s share of the entries, bless them), I’d like nothing more than to fire up Spider-Man 2 for the GameCube and swing around New York for a while this weekend. You can keep your fancy pants PS5s* — GameCube is where the real webslinging’s at.

*If you really must part with your fancy pants PS5s, I’ll permit you to send it my way, actually.

PJ O’Reilly, reviewer

Hello. This weekend I’m gonna be diving into Loop Hero for the very first time. I’ve heard nothing but good things about this one over the past wee while, so now feels like the perfect opportunity to get involved I reckon since it’s finally hit Switch.

Besides this I’ll also be continuing my adventures in Shin Megami Tensei V. This is my very first time playing a game in the series and, so far, I’m absolutely loving it, even though it’s absolutely thrashed me in every single battle so far. Hopefully I’ll get the hang of it soon though, as the story and characters have sucked me right in.

Have a great weekend!

Kate Gray, Staff Writer

I started playing Wytchwood, which came out this week — it’s a charming little narrative-led game about a witch finding her memories, with a whole bunch of potion crafting and material gathering. It’s very gentle so far, and quite beautiful too, but the main character looks like one of the protagonists of Slay The Spire, which keeps throwing me for a loop.

I would love to dig into Omno, Ace Attorney, and Danganronpa if I get time… but with Christmas around the corner, I doubt I will!

Ollie Reynolds, reviewer

Ahoy! It’s more Danganronpa for me this weekend. I must confess, with Halo Infinite‘s campaign launching this week, I didn’t get as far as I’d like in Trigger Happy Havoc, but I’m hoping to rectify that this weekend and polish off a couple of chapters, at least.

Otherwise, it’s — you guessed it — more Halo Infinite. I’ve also downloaded that incredible Matrix Awakens tech demo on the PS5, and it’s truly mind blowing! Definitely worth a try if you fancy gawking at your TV screen for an hour or so.

Gonçalo Lopes, reviewer

This weekend will be fully fueled by Microïds. The Smurfs – Mission Vileaf is a solid 3D platformer, Marsupilami Hoboadventure is a slightly more forgiving Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze 2.5D platformer, while Asterix & Obelix: Slap Them All! lives up to its subtitle because truly no Roman will be left “unslapped”. Last but not least I will once again incarnate Robert Foster and try to find out what Joey has been up to in Beyond a Steel Sky.

Game of the week is Loop Hero. Sadly I won’t be doing any looping heroics until the physical version arrives… I am an old man who still refuses to let go of game boxes.

As always, thanks for reading! Make sure to leave us a comment below with your weekend gaming plans!