Nintendo Museum Tickets Will Feature Your Mii


Nintendo Museum Mii Ticket
Image: Nintendo Life

When the Nintendo Museum opens up on 2nd October 2024, we’re sure a bunch of fans will be piling through the doors, eager to get a look at all of the beautiful exhibits and play with the interactive stations. But, if you’re one of the lucky ones who manages to snag a ticket, there will be a delightful little surprise even before you enter the museum.

Spotted by Nintendo Wire, your unique entry ticket — if you get one, that is! — will show your Mii on the front. That’s a superb little touch, especially given that you need a Nintendo account to grab tickets to the museum.

This info is tucked away pretty nicely on the official museum’s website in the User Guide section. Scrolling down, under the Issue QR Section and below ‘Assign a ticket to another visitor’, there’s a little drop-down section titled ‘What you can do when assigning’. Here, the instructions explain that “upon entry to the museum, each visitor will receive a play ticket with the Mii character set to their Nintendo Account printed on it.”

Mii Tickets
Image: Nintendo

The tickets serve more than just entry into the museum, however. Every person’s ticket will record that person’s records and scores from the various interactive games and exhibits at the museum. If you’re going with family or friends and they don’t have a Nintendo account, their scores will be recorded to the Nintendo account of the person with the ticket.

Like we could be any more jealous — we’re saving up for a trip to Japan right now… we want Mii tickets! And essentially everything else. For information on pricing, exhibits, and reservation details, we’ve put together a handy little guide for you.

Want to see your Mii on a museum ticket? Let us know in the comments below.
