AMD Rumored to Introduce Radeon Super Resolution (RSR) Upscale Tech in Early 2022
Right off the bat, do not expect RSR to be AMD’s answer to the perceived image quality advantage of NVIDIA’s deep-learning-powered DLSS compared to AMD’s more open (and cross-hardware compatible) FSR. Instead, AMD seems to be targeting RSR as a game-agnostic upscaling solution that’s based on FSR, but which can be enabled at the Radeon driver level for any game that supports exclusive full-screen rendering. AMD is seemingly moving its image upscaling technique further up in the graphics pipeline, which should impact upscaling quality (as there’s less information for the image upscaler to work with). What this does enable, however, is an agnostic solution that can be deployed in any game – provided you’re rocking one of the two rumored architectures that will support RSR (RDNA and RDNA2, in the form of AMD’s RX-5000 and RX-6000 series). Considering the expected release of RSR, it’s likely that AMD will have an official announcement around CES 2022, despite the fact that the company won’t be physically present due to COVID-19 and logistics concerns.