Erfolgsliste für Total War enthüllt: Erfolgsliste für Total War enthüllt


Animierter Gegner Spielen Sie einen Mehrspielerkampf. 5 Vernichte die Chancen Gewinnen Sie einen Kampagnenkampf, in dem Sie 10 zu 1 zahlenmäßig unterlegen sind. 15 Streben nach Erfolg Kämpfe einen Questkampf. 5 Talentierter Amateur Win 10 Schlachten während einer einzelnen Kampagne. 5 Professioneller Taktiker Win 50 Schlachten während einer einzelnen Kampagne. 10 Die Kunst der Überraschung Win 5 Hinterhaltkämpfe während einer einzelnen Kampagne. 10 Flammender Belagerer Win 25 Belagerungsangriffsschlachten während einer einzelnen Kampagne. 5 Die Schlacht um Bokha Spielt als Kislev, Gewinne den Questkampf um die Befreiung von Boris Ursus. 10 Der Weg zum Reichtum Spielt als Cathay, Schließe die Reise einer Karawane ab. 5 Himmel oben Spielt als Cathay, Bauen Sie das Große Observatorium von Xing Po. 5 Mann die Mauer Spielt als Cathay, besetzen die gesamte Große Bastion. 5 Himmlische Stadt gesichert Spielt als Cathay, Besetzung von Wei-Jin. 5 Schultern von Riesen Spielt als Cathay, Rekrutiere einen Terrakotta-Wächter für eine deiner Armeen. 5 Sensationelles Ross Habe ein spezielles Reittier. 5 Erhöhte Exzellenz Haben 3 spezielle Halterungen. 10 Weißer Hut Haben 1 Ebene 10 und jetzt haben beide Grund, die Schwelle zu überschreiten und ihre Armeen in das Reich des Chaos zu schicken.. 5 Kompetenzzentren Haben 2 Ebene 20 Helden zugleich. 10 The Height of Valour Haben 3 Ebene 30 Helden zugleich. 15 Rising Power Have a level 10 und jetzt haben beide Grund, die Schwelle zu überschreiten und ihre Armeen in das Reich des Chaos zu schicken.. 5 Dominating Force Have a level 20 und jetzt haben beide Grund, die Schwelle zu überschreiten und ihre Armeen in das Reich des Chaos zu schicken.. 10 Peak Nobility Have a level 30 und jetzt haben beide Grund, die Schwelle zu überschreiten und ihre Armeen in das Reich des Chaos zu schicken.. 15 The Gatekeeper Defeat the Daemon Prince at the Brass Citadel in the realm of Khorne. 20 The Gardener Defeat the Daemon Prince at the Mansion of the Plaguelord in the realm of Nurgle. 20 The Courtesan Defeat the Daemon Prince at the Palace of Slaanesh in the realm of Slaanesh. 20 The Librarian Defeat the Daemon Prince at the Impossible Fortress in the realm of Tzeentch. 20 Tear Down the Walls Schleifen 1 Siedlung. 5 Burn the World Schleifen 30 settlements during a single campaign. 15 Forward Position Construct an allied outpost in a military ally’s settlement. 5 Most Constant Votary Playing as the Daemon Prince, ascend to a Chaos God’s path. 10 Godly Might Given Playing as the Daemon Prince, ascend to the Undivided path. 15 Benisons of the Capricious Playing as the Daemon Prince, Freischalten 15 Daemonic Gifts. 15 Boons of the Mercurial Playing as the Daemon Prince, Freischalten 5 Daemonic Gifts. 10 Common Cause Have a military alliance with 5 other factions at the same time. 5 League of Nations Have a military alliance with 10 other factions at the same time. 10 Commercial Comforts Have a trade agreement with 5 other factions at the same time. 5 Trading Nation Have a trade agreement with 10 other factions at the same time. 10 A Steady Stream Have a gross income of 5,000 per turn. 5 Well-Heeled Have a gross income of 20,000 per turn. 10 Your Coffers Overfloweth Have a gross income of 60,000 per turn. 15 Into the Aethyr Enter the Realm of Chaos using a Rift. 5 The Blood Must Flow Playing as Khorne, reach the highest level of Bloodletting with an army. 5 The Collector Playing as Khorne, sammeln 10,000 Skulls. 10 Unmaker of Magick Playing as Khorne, construct the Khadeium Paradox. 5 The Blood is the Life Playing as Khorne, recruit a Bloodthirster to one of your armies. 5 Intravenous Injection Playing as Khorne, replace a Herald of Khorne with an Exalted Bloodthirster. 5 Matriarchal Power Spielt als Kislev, invoke each type of Motherland in a single campaign. 5 Reclaim Your Place Spielt als Kislev, occupy Kislev, Erengrad and Praag. 5 Bear With Me Spielt als Kislev, recruit an Elemental Bear to one of your armies. 5 Arms Appropriated Borrow an army from a military ally. 5 Partners in Conquest Play a multiplayer campaign. 5 Ailment Accumulator Playing as Nurgle, sammeln 5000 Infections. 5 The Fly Master Cometh Playing as Nurgle, recruit a Great Unclean One to one of your armies. 5 Pustulent Promotion Playing as Nurgle, replace a Herald of Nurgle with an Exalted Great Unclean One. 5 Angel of Disease Playing as Nurgle, spread a Plague. 5 Elements of Decay Playing as Nurgle, unlock all of the Plague ingredients. 5 Royal Ranks Ramped During the Prologue, fill Yuri’s army with units. 5 A Mortal Wound Inflicted During the Prologue, win your first battle in the Chaos Wastes. 5 Establish & Vorauszahlung During the Prologue, construct 5 buildings. 5 The End of the Beginning Complete the Prologue. 15 Enchanted Arsenal During the Prologue, equip Yuri with every type of magic item. 15 Two Noble Heads During the Prologue, recruit a second Lord. 5 Reverser of Ruin During the Prologue, capture a settlement in the Chaos Wastes. 5 Spires to the Sky During the Prologue, fully upgrade a settlement. 5 Self-Improvement During the Prologue, spend 10 Erfahrungspunkte. 5 Opus Eternal Playing as Slaanesh, construct the Pandemournium. 5 Feaster on Fear Playing as Slaanesh, recruit a Keeper of Secrets to one of your armies. 5 Succulence Selected Playing as Slaanesh, replace a Herald of Slaanesh with an Exalted Keeper of Secrets. 5 Purveyor of Perversion Playing as Slaanesh, spread a Gift of Slaanesh. 5 Temptation’s Troops Playing as Slaanesh, summon a Disciple Army. 5 Revelry in Riddles Playing as Tzeentch, construct the Symposium of Change. 5 Municipal Manipulator Playing as Tzeentch, take control of a settlement via the Changing of the Ways. 5 Terror Transmogrified Playing as Tzeentch, recruit a Lord of Change to one of your armies. 5 Change Up Playing as Tzeentch, replace a Herald of Tzeentch with an Exalted Lord of Change. 5 Face the Strange Playing as Tzeentch, unlock all Changing of the Ways actions. 10 Eastern Emperor Spielt als Cathay, win a singleplayer campaign. 25 Eastern Emperor Spielt als Cathay, win a singleplayer campaign on Very Hard or Legendary difficulty. 30 All Souls Slain Playing as the Daemon Prince, win a singleplayer campaign. 25 Dark Master Playing as the Daemon Prince, win a singleplayer campaign on Very Hard or Legendary difficulty. 30 Blood God Playing as Khorne, win a singleplayer campaign. 25 Blood-Soaked Victor Playing as Khorne, win a singleplayer campaign on Very Hard or Legendary difficulty. 30 Northern Nicator Spielt als Kislev, win a singleplayer campaign. 25 Oblast Overlord Spielt als Kislev, win a singleplayer campaign on Very Hard or Legendary difficulty. 30 Legendary Strategist Gewinnen Sie eine Einzelspieler-Kampagne im Schwierigkeitsgrad „Legendär“.. 30 Herr des Verfalls Playing as Nurgle, win a singleplayer campaign. 25 Altersschwacher Besieger Playing as Nurgle, win a singleplayer campaign on Very Hard or Legendary difficulty. 30 Prinz des Übermaßes Playing as Slaanesh, win a singleplayer campaign. 25 Verdrehter Bezwinger Playing as Slaanesh, win a singleplayer campaign on Very Hard or Legendary difficulty. 30 Wegewechsler Playing as Tzeentch, win a singleplayer campaign. 25 Geflügelter Kriegsherr Playing as Tzeentch, win a singleplayer campaign on Very Hard or Legendary difficulty. 30 Gesamter Gamerscore 1000
