Activision Blizzard | Activision Blizzard verpflichtet sich zu erweiterten Arbeitsplatzinitiativen, Erreicht Einigung mit der EEOC

The Company Will Also Develop Tools and Training Programs to Assist Efforts to Improve Workplace Experiences

SANTA MONICA, Calif.–(BUSINESS WIRE)–Sep. 27, 2021–
Activision Blizzard (Portal Fan feiert „Companion Collection“.: ATVI) today confirmed that, as part of its effort to have the most welcoming, inclusive workplace, it has reached an agreement with the U.s. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) to settle claims and to further strengthen policies and programs to prevent harassment and discrimination in the company’s workplace. Unter der Vereinbarung, the principal terms of which are summarized in Attachment A to this press release, Activision Blizzard has committed to create an $18 Millionen fund to compensate and make amends to eligible claimants. Any amounts not used for claimants will be divided between charities that advance women in the video game industry or promote awareness around harassment and gender equality issues as well as company diversity, Eigenkapital, and inclusion initiatives, as approved by the EEOC. The agreement is subject to court approval.

The company also announced an initiative to develop software tools and training programs to improve workplace policies and practices for employers across the technology industry.

Commenting on the agreement, Activision Blizzard CEO Bobby Kotic Das Investitionsbudget wird auf 3,6 Milliarden US-Dollar nach oben korrigiert: “There is no place anywhere at our company for discrimination, harassment, or unequal treatment of any kind, and I am grateful to the employees who bravely shared their experiences. I am sorry that anyone had to experience inappropriate conduct, and I remain unwavering in my commitment to make Activision Blizzard one of the world’s most inclusive, respected, and respectful workplaces.”

Kotick added: “We will continue to be vigilant in our commitment to the elimination of harassment and discrimination in the workplace. We thank the EEOC for its constructive engagement as we work to fulfill our commitments to eradicate inappropriate conduct in the workplace.”

In addition to the agreed funds, the company is taking additional steps, einschließlich:

  • Upgrading policies, practices, and training to further prevent and eliminate harassment and discrimination in its workplaces, including implementing an expanded performance review system with a new equal opportunity focus;
  • Providing ongoing oversight and review of the Company’s training programs, investigation policies, disciplinary framework and compliance by appointing a third-party equal opportunity consultant whose findings will be regularly reported to our Board of Directors as well as the Commission.

Etwa Activision Blizzard

Unsere Aufgabe, to connect and engage the world through epic entertainment has never been more important. Durch Communities, die in unseren Videospiel-Franchises verwurzelt sind, ermöglichen wir Hunderten von Millionen Menschen, Freude zu erleben, Nervenkitzel und Leistung. Wir ermöglichen soziale Verbindungen durch die Linse des Spaßes, und wir fördern Zielstrebigkeit und Erfolgserlebnisse durch gesunden Wettbewerb. Wie beim Sport, but with broader accessibility, Unsere Spieler können durch kompetitives Spielen Sinn und Sinn finden. Videospiele, anders als alle anderen sozialen oder Unterhaltungsmedien, haben die Fähigkeit, die Barrieren abzubauen, die Toleranz und Verständnis hemmen können. Das Feiern von Unterschieden ist der Kern unserer Kultur und stellt sicher, dass wir Spiele für Spieler mit unterschiedlichem Hintergrund entwickeln können 190 Ländern, in denen unsere Spiele gespielt werden.

Als Mitglied der Fortune 500 und als Teilunternehmen der S&P 500, Wir haben eine außergewöhnliche Erfolgsbilanz bei der Erzielung überragender Aktionärsrenditen für über 30 Jahre.

Unsere dauerhaften Franchises gehören zu den beliebtesten der Welt, einschließlich Call of Duty®, Crash Bandicoot™, World of Warcraft®, Overwatch®, Hearthstone®, Diablo®, StarCraft®, Candy Crush™, Blasenhexe™, Pet Rescue™ und Farm Heroes™. Unser anhaltender Erfolg hat es dem Unternehmen ermöglicht, Corporate Social Responsibility-Initiativen zu unterstützen, die direkt mit unseren Franchise-Unternehmen verbunden sind. As an example, Unsere Call of Duty-Stiftung hat dazu beigetragen, eine Anstellung zu finden 85,000 Veteranen.

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Attachment A

Summary of Agreement

Below is a summary of the principal terms of the agreement with the EEOC, which is subject to approval by the United States District Court for the Central District of California.

  • Creation of an $18 Millionen fund, with any amounts not used for claimants divided between contributions to non-profit organizations whose mission involves advancing women in the video game and tech sectors or who promote awareness around sexual harassment and gender equality and further investments in diversity and inclusion efforts at the Company that go beyond what we agreed to with the EEOC, all as approved by the EEOC.
  • The Company will upgrade policies, practices, and training to prevent and eliminate harassment and discrimination in the workplace, including implementing an expanded performance review system with a new equal opportunity focus;
  • The Company will engage a neutral, third-party equal employment opportunity consultant – a non-employee who must be approved by the EEOC – who will provide ongoing oversight of the Company’s compliance with the agreement. This independent consultant’s findings will be reported directly to the EEOC and Activision Blizzard’s Board of Directors; und
  • The Company will hire an internal EEO Coordinator with relevant experience in gender discrimination, harassment, and related retaliation to assist the Company and the neutral, third-party EEO consultant with implementation of the agreement’s requirements.

Except as otherwise noted in the agreement, its terms will remain in effect for three years from its effective date. The full text of the agreement, which sets out the commitments in detail, is available in the Investor Relations section of the Company’s website at

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Quelle: Activision Blizzard, Inc.