Alphacool stellt Kerntemperatursensoren mit CF-Display vor
Alphacool präsentiert heute zwei neue Kerntemperatursensoren mit Farbdisplay. Mit Hilfe der Digitalanzeige, the temperature of the water cooling loop can be displayed and easily read with an accuracy of 0.1°C. Thanks to the colour scale, you can always keep track of critical temperature ranges.
Alphacool’s Core temperature sensor is available in two different versions. One version features a flat and flexible sensor that is simply attached to the outside of the component to measure the temp. Variante 2 has a sensor with 2 G1 / 4″ female threads that can be integrated into any water cooling loop using suitable adapters. It does not matter whether the system is equipped with hoses or hard tubes. The Core temperature sensors are powered by a 12 V 4-pin Molex connector and have sufficient cable length for convenient routing within the water circuit. Additional software for reading the temperature ranges is not required.
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