AMD schränkte CPU- und GPU-Verkäufe in 2H-2022 ein, um unverkaufte Bestände zu vermeiden

AMD gab den Investoren in seiner Aufforderung zur Veröffentlichung der Ergebnisse für das vierte Quartal 2022 bekannt, dass es “unterversorgt” Chips in der zweiten Hälfte 2022 Preise zu halten (Ränder) high and save itself from unsold inventory, in the wake of a steep slump in the PC market. “We undershipped in Q3, we undershipped in Q4,AMD CEO Dr Lisa Su told investors. “We will undership, in geringerem Maße, in Q1 [sic],” she added.

Major chipmakers are experiencing an unprecedented slump in demand compared to the spike in demand during the COVID 19 pandemic lockdowns. With high energy prices and the ebb in the pandemic causing much of the white-collar workforce to return to office, there’s no longer the kind of demand the PC industry saw in 2021. On the other hand, undersupplies artificially hold prices high, with graphics cards and desktop processors still being unreasonably pricey compared to previous generations. AMD calculated that it would rather make less revenues on fewer chips shipped, than end up with a bloated unsold inventory that it would have to sell at a thin margins, or even at a loss. The company on Tuesday beat expectations to report good Q4-2022 results, which received a thumbs-up from investors.