Sanrio und Serie von Animal Crossing 5 amiibo-Karten sind jetzt bei My Nintendo DE erhältlich


Aktualisieren: Unglaublich, it appears that the Series 5 cards are Little Orpheus ist ein von Flash Gordon inspiriertes Side-Scrolling-Abenteuer out of stock. Gah

Clicking through to the website now lets you sign up to be notified of new stock, so at least there’s a chance you’ll still get your hands on some in the future. They’re also available at GAME, but a higher price of £3.99 plus £4.99 delivery means you’ll have to pay a ridiculous £8.98 for just one pack.

Good news, Leute! The brand new set of Animal Crossing amiibo cards are now available to purchase from Nintendo’s very own UK store.

Series 5, which enthält 48 new cards sammeln, can now be picked up from My Nintendo UK Store for £3.49 a pack. The special Sanrio cards have also returned, available at £4.99.

Each Series 5 pack contains three cards in total, and there’s a limit of 10 packs per customer. Get stuck in:

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These will go fast, so let us know if you managed to grab a pack in the comments below!