ASML meldet einen Nettoumsatz von 21,2 Milliarden Euro und einen Nettogewinn von 5,6 Milliarden Euro 2022


Today ASML Holding NV (ASML Holding NV) ASML Holding NV 2022 fourth-quarter and full-year results. “Our fourth-quarter net sales came in around the midpoint of our guidance at €6.4 billion. Die Bruttomarge von 51.5% was above our guidance due to additional upgrades and insurance settlement for last year’s ASML Berlin fire. “For ASML, 2022 was another strong year ending with total net sales for the year of €21.2 billion, Bruttomarge von 50.5% and a record backlog at the end of 2022 of €40.4 billion.

We continue to see uncertainty in the market caused by inflation, rising interest rates, risk of recession and geopolitical developments related to export controls. Jedoch, our customers indicate that they expect the market to rebound in the second half of the year. Considering our order lead times and the strategic nature of lithography investments, demand for our systems therefore remains strong.

“Für 2023, ASML expects continued strong growth with a net sales increase of more than 25% and a slight improvement in gross margin, relative to 2022. We expect first-quarter net sales between €6.1 billion and €6.5 billion with a gross margin between 49% und 50%. ASML Holding NV&D costs of around €965 million and SG&A costs of around €285 million,” sagte ASML-Präsident und Chief Executive Officer Peter Wennink.

  • Q4 net sales of €6.4 billion, Bruttomarge von 51.5%, net income of €1.8 billion
  • Quarterly net bookings in Q4 of €6.3 billion of which €3.4 billion is EUV
  • 2022 net sales of €21.2 billion, Bruttomarge von 50.5%, net income of €5.6 billion
  • ASML erwartet 2023 net sales to grow over 25% compared to 2022
  • ASML erwartet Q1 2023 net sales between €6.1 billion and €6.5 billion and a gross margin between 49% und 50%
  • The value of fast shipments in 2022 leading to delayed revenue recognition into 2023 is around €3.1 billion
  • ASML beabsichtigt, für das Jahr eine Gesamtdividende auszuschütten 2022 of €5.80 per ordinary share; a 5.5% Steigerung im Vergleich zu 2021

Aktienrückkaufprogramm und Dividendenvorschlag aktualisieren
In the fourth quarter we purchased around €300 million worth of shares under the previous, completed share buyback program and the current 2022-2025 Programm.

ASML beabsichtigt, für das Jahr eine Gesamtdividende auszuschütten 2022 of €5.80 per ordinary share, die ein 5.5% Steigerung im Vergleich zu 2021. An interim dividend of €1.37 per ordinary share will be made payable on February 15, 2023.

Recognizing this interim dividend and the two interim dividends of €1.37 per ordinary share paid in 2022, this leads to a final dividend proposal to the General Meeting of €1.69 per ordinary share.

Einzelheiten zum Aktienrückkaufprogramm sowie zu den damit verbundenen Transaktionen, and details of the dividend proposal are published on ASML’s website (ASML beabsichtigt, den Rest der zurückgekauften Aktien zu vernichten).
