How do I calculate KD? ( Tötet Tode )
On-Line KD Calculator Several People asked how to calculate KD (Kill / Tod) Verhältnis, so we just dropped this calculator online to keep it simple! Check out some crazy KD numbers here … Weiterlesen
On-Line KD Calculator Several People asked how to calculate KD (Kill / Tod) Verhältnis, so we just dropped this calculator online to keep it simple! Check out some crazy KD numbers here … Weiterlesen
Have you ever woke up to one of these Mobile Strike Reports? Unglücklicherweise, I can say I have, not as bad as these. Ich denke wir werden teilen … Weiterlesen
So you’re playing Mobile Strike and you find that everything takes for ever to accomplish, things like farming , training or researching just seem to take longer. Am Anfang … Weiterlesen
I’m often helping other players online and they don’t know what an EW account is, they sometimes can’t even find out how to create the account and as you can … Weiterlesen
How can I create a Mobile Strike EW account? Why do I want an EW account? I’m often helping other players online and they don’t know what an EW account … Weiterlesen
Mobile Strike Daily Milestones Help Your Alliance! In dem Bemühen, täglich Spieler zu fördern, Mobil Streik hat Täglich Meilensteine hinzugefügt. Anything that helps get people to play would … Weiterlesen
So you’re watching TV and you see the commercials with Arnold Schwarzenegger blowing up the enemy in a war game and you say, I gotta try that game! I finally … Weiterlesen
Are you ready to start playing the new Call of Duty Black OPS III Today? Basically pre-order your copy today and you’ll get an email providing you with a code … Weiterlesen
Every year when Call of Duty modern warefare comes out, we buy the game, but really don’t like it, Dieses Jahr war Call of Duty Advanced Warefare. Nachdem Sie diese Spiele gespielt hatten, … Weiterlesen