Bayonettas neue Synchronsprecherin Jennifer Hale gibt Erklärung zu Bayonetta ab 3

Bayonetta 3
Bild: Platin-Spiele, Nintendo

PlatinumGames revealed earlier this month the prolific voice actor Jennifer Hale would be replacing Hellena Taylor as the voice of Bayonetta in the upcoming Switch exclusive, Bayonetta 3.

Following the weekend drama, Hale has now issued her own statementmentioning how she’s not really at liberty to speak about the entire situation regarding Bayonetta 3 as she’s currently under a non-disclosure agreement. Here’s the message in full (über soziale Medien):

With regard to Bayonetta 3, As a longtime member of the voice acting community, I support every actor’s right to be paid well and have advocated consistently for this for years.

Anyone who knows me, or has followed my career, will know that I have great respect for my peers, and that I am an advocate for all members of the community.

I am under an NDA and am not at liberty to speak regarding this situation. My reputation speaks for itself.

I sincerely ask that everyone keep in mind that this game has been created by an entire team of hard-working, dedicated people and I hope everyone will keep an open mind about what they’ve created.

Schließlich, I hope that everyone involved may resolve their differences in an amicable and respectful way.

With love and respect to you all,
Jennifer Hale

Jennifer Hale has a successful career doing voice-overs for all sorts of games. Some of her standout roles include Samus Aran in the three main Metroid Prime games and the voice of female Commander Shepard in BioWare’s Mass Effect Serie.

This statement follows Hellena Taylor’s response to Platinum’s previous comments about a scheduling conflict, revealing how she received a $4,000 USD offeras a flat rateand felt it was an insult to her talentcalling on fans toboycottthe third game. You can learn more about this story in our previous coverage:

If we hear any further developments, we’ll let you know.