Siehe, die Ente des Krieges in World of Warships: Legends

Join in on some lighthearted — but oh-so competitive — battles in World of Warships: Legends. This year’s April Fool’s event runs from March 23 to April 13, giving players the chance to prove their skills in the Duck of War game mode.

Starting today, players can access the special Duck of War game mode. In Duck of War, daring captains will compete against each other in a no-holds-barred, 12-way free for all. To spur on the competition, successful captains will earn “ducks” and climb the Duck of War leaderboard. There are special rewards for reaching the top, such as a unique patch for the top 10% of captains on the leaderboard. The scores will reset each week of the event to allow captains multiple opportunities to reach the top. Each week the rewards will change too, make sure not to miss them!

World of Warships: Legends

In Duck
of War, players will command the Ultra Cruiser, an amped-up warship designed to
do battle in the bathtub, irren, Duck of War event map. There are two variants of
Ultra Cruiser available, one with an aggressive forward-firing torpedo, Ein weiterer
with a defensive, aft-firing torpedo. The tremendous speed of the Ultra Cruiser
makes battles in the Duck of War intense and chaotic—only the best will make it

World of Warships: Legends

April Fool’s event arrives just after the release of the Russian Navy in World of Warships: Legends. The new
cruisers leading the Red Navy have brought tremendous long-range firepower to
das Spiel, further developing gameplay. The Russian destroyers are available in
early access as well, due to arrive in full next update.

World of Warships: Legends

The seven new Russian and Soviet cruisers form the backbone of the Red Navy tech tree. Lightly armored but heavily armed, these cruisers play much like traditional glass cannons. They cover a large period in Russian naval history, from 1900 into the Cold War but share familiar characteristics from Tier III onward. The Soviet cruisers are at their best pelting enemy ships from a distance and racking up the damage, but also have a few tools to help them at close ranges. Dealing damage is their specialty, don’t get caught out of position in front of them! With April Fool’s and new ships in-game, World of Warships: Legends keeps going strong.

Xbox Live

World of Warships: Legends


Erleben Sie epische Marine-Action in World of Warships: Legends, Ein globales, kostenloses Online-Multiplayer-Spiel, in dem Sie die Meere in den größten Kriegsschiffen der Geschichte beherrschen können! Rekrutiere legendäre Kommandeure, Rüsten Sie Ihre Schiffe auf, und erhebe deinen Anspruch auf die Vorherrschaft auf See mit oder gegen Spieler auf der ganzen Welt.

Steuern Sie Dutzende von Kriegsschiffen der mächtigsten Marinen des 20. Jahrhunderts, Setzen Sie die Segel zum Ruhm über atemberaubende Meeresaussichten und Klanglandschaften, und genießen Sie regelmäßige kostenlose Updates.

Übernimm die Kontrolle über Zerstörer, Kreuzer, oder Schlachtschiffe, die am besten zu Ihrem Spielstil passen, von einer lodernden Annäherung der Waffen, zu vorsichtigeren und methodischeren Angriffen, und vieles mehr.

Schließen Sie sich mit Freunden zusammen, um Spieler auf der ganzen Welt herauszufordern, und arbeiten Sie zusammen, um Strategien zu entwickeln und Angriffe zu planen, um Ihre Gegner zu überlisten und das Blatt des Kampfes zu wenden.

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