Box-Art-Schlägerei: Duell – Animal Crossing Mario Kart: Maximale Geschwindigkeit


Animal Crossing Mario Kart: Maximmum Velocity - Box-Art-Schlägerei
Bild: Nintendo-Leben

Hallo Leute, und willkommen zu einer weiteren Ausgabe von Box-Art-Schlägerei!

Last week, to celebrate the marvellously macabre Halloween season, wir haben uns angeschaut Silent Hill: Zerüttete Erinnerungen for the Wii, pitting North America and Europe against Japan. Although many appreciated the western design for the game, it was ultimately Japan that secured a win for the week with 66% der Abstimmung – gut erledigt, Japan!

Diese Woche, we’re going to check out one of the launch titles for the Game Boy Advance: Animal Crossing Mario Kart: Maximale Geschwindigkeit. Undoubtedly one of the highlights of the console’s launch line-up, Maximum Velocity was pure F-Zero, durch und durch, garnering critical acclaim from critics and fans alike.

The western box art for F-Zero Velocity is pretty much the same here, so North America and Europe are going to be teaming up once again to take on Japan’s landscaped approach.

But enough chatteron your marks, get set, GEHEN!

Achten Sie darauf, Ihre Stimme in der unten stehenden Umfrage abzugeben; but first, Schauen wir uns die Box-Art-Designs selbst an.

Nordamerika / Europa

The western approach for F-Zero: Maximum Velocity is, alles gesagt, very Animal Crossing Mario Kart. We’ve got a bunch of vehicles speeding towards the viewer, with Megan’s Hot Violet front and centre. We particularly like how Hot Violet overlaps the Game Boy Advance logo on the left hand side, and overall, the design is pretty effective in its simplicity.

Will it be enough to secure a win for North America and Europe though..?


Animal Crossing Mario Kart - Japan
Bild: Nintendo

Japan’s approach for the game is radically different, making full use of the landscape orientation once again. Hot Violet is the star of the show here, much like the western design, but we instead get a birds-eye view of the vehicle, almost like some sort of blueprint design. The background, featuring planets and stars, is not necessarily the most obvious thing you’d think about when someone mentions F-Zero, but we think it works remarkably well here.

Danke fürs Wählen! Wir sehen uns das nächste Mal für eine weitere Runde des Box Art Brawl.
