Nintendo erwirbt Land für neues Entwicklungsgebäude in Japan, Nintendo erwirbt Land für neues Entwicklungsgebäude in Japan 32 Nintendo erwirbt Land für neues Entwicklungsgebäude in Japan


Capcom Arcade Stadium
Bild: Capcom

Capcom will be releasing a second Arcade Stadium collection on the Nintendo Switch and multiple other platforms. Es ist offiziell betitelt Capcom Arcade 2. Stadion.

Die 1984 shoot ’em up side-scrolling SonSon will be a free download in this particular collection. If you end up pre-ordering or early purchasing the game, you’ll also get access to the 1991 platformer Three Wonders as a bonus.

This announcement follows on from a classification of the sequel, which was spotted in Korea earlier this month. The original game included the free game 1943: The Battle of Midway.

There’s no release for the sequel just yet, but Capcom says it will be sharing more information “bald” – so keep an eye out for any future updates. Are you excited about this second Arcade Stadium announcement? Hinterlasse unten einen Kommentar.
