Capcom neckt neue Rüstungssets für Monster Hunter Rise: Nintendo aktualisiert Xenoblade Chronicles

It’s absolutely packed out with game releases and announcements this month, and one other thing you won’t want to miss out on is Aufstieg der Monsterjäger: Nintendo aktualisiert Xenoblade Chroniclesa new DLC for the latest entry in the Monster Hunter series.

Ahead of the release later this month on 30th June, Capcom has revealed the new armour sets based on the Gore Magala and Espinas. These two monsters were shown featured in the latest trailer for Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak during the Capcom showcase.

There’ll be both male and female variants as well as Palamute and Palico gearwhich seem to be a throwback to the previous Monster Hunter generations. Überzeugen Sie sich selbst:

To access Sunbreak at launch, you’ll obviously need to have purchased a copy of Aufstieg der Monsterjäger. There’s also a free demo for Sunbreak available on the Switch eShopallowing you to essentially try before you buy. It even includes multiplayer features.

Are you looking forward to getting your hands on Sunbreak finally? Sag es uns in den Kommentaren.