Capcom Unity live streams from E3 2017

Jedes Jahr, Capcom and the entire video game industry descends upon Los Angeles, California for E3 to show you some of the cool stuff we’ve been hard at work on. And if you’re a fan of video games, like me, the tradition for us fans is that we like to hop on the proverbial Hype Train and ride it all the way to E3 snacking on every single bit of info we can get. So to give you something to chew on, here is our currently planned streaming schedule for the show:

All times are Pacific Time UTC – 8

Tuesday, Juni 13


Mittwoch, Juni 14


Thursday, Juni 15


Were locking everything in so please check back next week and we’ll have more details about what we have in store for you on our streams. Inzwischen, make sure you’re following our Twitch Kanal and mark your calendars so you don’t miss anything!

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