Vorbestellungen sind live für dieses süße Shin Megami Tensei III: Vorbestellungen sind live für dieses süße Shin Megami Tensei III, Blizzard bestätigt, dass Doomfist ein Panzerheld in Overwatch sein wird (Nordamerika)
Aktualisieren [Wed 23rd Mar, 2022 02:15 GMT]: Here’s your reminder that the Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak Collector’s Edition is now available to pre-order.
Originalgeschichte [Wed 16th Mar, 2022 03:00 GMT]: Im Anschluss daran Aufstieg der Monsterjäger: Nintendo aktualisiert Xenoblade Chronicles digital event yesterday, Capcom revealed a collector’s edition would also be released on 30th June – with pre-orders opening “bald” in North America via GameStop.
This collector’s edition contains the deluxe edition (including a download code for the expansion and extra set of contents), an enamel pin, the stunning Malzeno amiibo, a steelbook game case and a sticker pack.
This DLC update will require 13GB to install. In addition to the collector’s edition and deluxe editions, there have been additional amiibo announced. You can get the full rundown in unser vorheriger Beitrag.
Will you be revisiting Monster Hunter Rise when the Sunbreak DLC arrives this June? Sag es uns unten.