Gruselige Geschichte 2 Bringt Punkt & Klicken Sie auf Terror, um rechtzeitig zu Halloween zu wechseln
Publisher No Gravity Games and developer Creepy Brothers have announced that Gruselige Geschichte 2, a point and click adventure that’s sure to bring some scares along for the ride, will spook the Switch eShop on 7th October.
Unsurprisingly a sequel to the original Gruselige Geschichte, already available on Switch, Gruselige Geschichte 2 has you taking on the role of a young boy who must solve puzzles to progress the story and save his sibling. The official synopsis paints a petrifying picture:
Once upon a time, young Lars left his father’s cabin to rescue his little sister, spirited away by an evil power…
It all started when the lean years came. An unknown force of evil began terrorizing a peaceful kingdom, kidnapping their children and the innocent inhabitants of the forest. What was once a peaceful kingdom where humans and fantastic creatures lived together in harmony became a land of gloom and fear.
You can pre-order the game from the eShop as we speak for $14.99. If you need some help making up your mind, we’ll leave you with these spooky screenshots and a feature list:
? Solve clever puzzles to help Lars rescue his little sister
? Enjoy narrative-focused, accessible gameplay suitable for newcomers and veterans alike
? Explore a magical kingdom inspired by the legends of Central European oral tradition, once compiled by the Grimm Brothers, where magic creatures try to coexist peacefully with mankind — and sometimes, even protect them from evil forces.
? Feel the gloomy essence of this creepy tale through its decadent cartoonish art style.
What do you think? Will you be giving this one a go? Let us know in the comments.