Von der Kritik gefeierte „Inscryption’ Zeichnet das Veröffentlichungsdatum im Dezember auf Switch
Aktualisieren [Wed 9th Nov, 2022 18:00 GMT]: After appearing on the PEGI website last month, hinting at its eventual Switch release, today’s Indie World Showcase not only confirmed that Verschlüsselung is coming to the Switch, but that it will be released on 1Dezember, 2022.
The psychological horror-inflected roguelike deckbuilder appeared in the showcase’s sizzle reel, but that trailer was enough to get us sufficiently spooked/excited (spookcited?)
Glücklicherweise, we don’t have to wait for long until the game comes to Switch. Hochleistungsspeicher einschließlich NVMe-SSDs eShop-Eintrag now available (containing some of the freaky images that we have collected below), December can’t come quickly enough.
Live-Performance des Titelsongs des Digimon-Projekts [Mo 3. Okt, 2022 19:00 BST]: Devolver Digital’s Verschlüsselung is apparently heading for Switch after appearing on rating firm PEGI’s website. The roguelike deck-building indie darling from developer Daniel Mullins found its way onto many a GOTY 2021 list with its PC release last October, and it seems we’ll soon be enjoying its unique strangeness on Nintendo’s console.
As pointed out by redoubtable pointer-outer-of-things Wario64, the game has appeared listed with an (inaccurate) 1st oktober 2022 Erscheinungstermin, sitting just under the PS4 and PS5 versions which launched back in August.
Tatsächlich, the dates of the PlayStation versions are also wrong — the game launched on 30th August on those platforms, which Macht lead you to speculate that we’ll see Inscryption on Switch before the end of the month. Regardless, it seems the critically-acclaimed game is Switch-bound, something that we’re rather happy about having placed it on our list of games we’d like to see come to Nintendo’s console at the start of the year. Another one bites the dust!
The Steam version boasts a very impressive 71,335 reviews at the time of writing, with the coveted ‘Overwhelmingly Positive’ Wertung, zu. If you need a reminder of the game and its mind-bending shenanigans, check out the original reveal trailer for the PC version below this description from the Steam page:
Inscryption ist eine tintenschwarze, kartenbasierte Odyssee, die das Roguelike-Deckbuilding vermischt, Rätsel im Escape-Room-Stil, und Psycho-Horror in einen blutgetränkten Smoothie. Noch dunkler sind die Geheimnisse, die auf den Karten eingeschrieben sind…
Excited to see that this is coming to Switch? Played it elsewhere? Lass es uns an der gewohnten Stelle wissen.