Kult des Lammes kostenlos zu erhalten “Wichtiges Inhaltsupdate” In 2023


Kult des Lammes
Bild: Zurück Digital

One of the surprise indie hits of 2022 was Kult des Lammesa fresh take on the roguelite genre mixed with acreepy but cute” ästhetisch. If you haven’t tried out this game yet, now might be the perfect time.

The developer Massive Monster has announced it will be releasing a “wesentlich” content update for free in 2023. Players can expect depth, difficulty, Barrierefreiheit, qualify-of-life changes and a new heavy attack. Here’s a brief look:

There’s no word about when exactly this update will be released. In the same announcement, the team also mentioned how it still hasanother round of fixes scheduledfor Cult of the Lamb in the new year. It will be focused on resolving “viele” issues for console players.

Danach, the developer will be putting all of its energy into the major content update. You can see more footage of this bigger update over on the game’s Twitter page. And if you haven’t played this game yet, Schauen Sie sich unbedingt unsere Nintendo Life-Rezension an:
