Dark Deity macht sicher einen guten Eindruck von Fire Emblem


We covered the impending Switch launch of the PC turn-based strategy title Dark Deity some time ago, and it’s finally out on Nintendo’s console this week.

Aus Anlass des Anlasses, a special launch trailer has been released, and it really hammers home how much the game takes inspiration from Nintendo’s Fire Emblem Serie.

In Dark Deity, there’s a strong focus on managing relationships between your characters, which is a common theme in the Fire Emblem series, zu. The game even takes place in a Military Academy, so wie Fire Emblem: Drei Häuser.

Set across 28 chapters and featuring 30 spielbare Charaktere, Dark Deity might just scratch that Fire Emblem itch if you’re a fan of the series. It’s certainly had positive reviews in the gaming press, and its Steam user score currently sits at “Größtenteils positiv”.
