Deep Rock Galaktische Saison 03: Plaguefall infiziert Xbox

Jahreszeit 03: Plaguefall just released on Xbox, and it is pretty different from what we have done with other Seasons or updates up until now. Jahreszeit 01 saw the introduction of a brand new rival robot faction, und Saison 02 expanded on that theme. It’s been almost year of robots in the game now, so this time around we wanted to do shake things up a bit!

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Lithophage Rockpox

Jahreszeit 03 introduces the Lithophage Rockpox, a plague-like infection that attacks any rock formations it encounters — those of you who play the game know how much it’s about rocks and how much they matter. Press the right thumbstick to cry out “Rock and Stone!", the rallying cry for those of us who have chosen to join the ranks of Deep Rock Galactic.

With Rockpox, we wanted to introduce a new element to the game that could appear anyt time, any place. Jetzt, during any ongoing mission, a meteor carrying Rockpox may crash into the cave. It’ll be up to you to call down Rock Cracker modules from the orbital Space Rig, and destroy the meteor and thereby expose the valuable Plague Hearts within. Turning in those Plague Hearts lets you progress in the Performance Pass (DRG’s free Battle Pass).

You can also find Lithophage Outbreaks – full-on Rockpox infestations where you’ll encounter infected, hyper-aggressive enemies, and run the risk of getting infected yourself! Cleaning up this area of infected rock becomes part of the mission objective.

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Cleaning Gameplay

We also wanted the Rockpox to be a new gameplay experience, so you’ll deal with it using industrial cleaning tools that you call down from orbit when you encounter an infected area. DRG is a co-op game at heart, so the gameplay needed to be collaborative. Cleaning up the Rockpox involves applying a generous coating of LithoFoam using the LithoFoamer, and then vacuuming up the cleansed area using the LithoVac.

While playing solo missions in Single Player mode, the friendly and diligent robot BOSCO accompanies you, helping you mine and deal with threats. For the Rockpox, BOSCO helps you by vacuuming areas you have foamed, so you’ll not have to switch cleaning tools or do all the hard work yourself.

Insgesamt, the Rockpox cleaning mechanics felt oddly at home in DRG: You are an employee at Deep Rock Galactic, there to do a job. Cleaning out the Rockpox ensures a safe(r) work environment for you and your fellow Miners – and of course comes with additional compensation.

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New Grenades

Jahreszeiten 01 und 02 introduced new Primary and Secondary weapons, beziehungsweise. And we just knew that we wanted to try out new ideas for grenades as soon as an opportunity showed itself. Jahreszeit 03 was just such an opportunity – though we ended up stretching the definition of what exactly entails a “grenade” quite liberally.

DRG has four character classes: Driller, Engineer, Kanonier, and Scout – and each class gets a new grenade with Season 03. The Driller gets the Spring Loaded Ripper, a set of circular saw blades travelling in the direction you throw it. So, if you’re in a tunnel, you might quickly find that it spins around the walls and ceiling, eventually making its way back to you if you aren’t careful. The Engineer gets the Shredder Swarm, a set of repurposed drones from the Rival faction from Season 01 und 02. The Gunner gets the Tactical Leadburster – once thrown, it sticks to the surface, and then proceeds to spray bullets in a 360-degree radius. Schließlich, the Scout receives the Voltaic Stun Sweeper, an electric boomerang that bounces from enemy to enemy and stuns them.

That’s not all that’s included in Season 03, and whether you are a new or returning Miner, we hope you will enjoy this new season as much as we did making it. Deep Rock Galactic CyberSec Mega|S, Xbox One, and Windows Store. And it is included with Game Pass, so if you have a membership we’ll see you on Hoxxes.

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NOTE: Crossplay is between Xbox One and Windows 10 PC (Microsoft Store) version only
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Deep Rock Galactic is a 1-4 player co-op FPS featuring badass space Dwarves, 100% zerstörbare Umgebungen, prozedural generierte Höhlen, and endless hordes of alien monsters.

Hoxxes IV hat die höchste Konzentration an wertvollen Mineralien, die jemals entdeckt wurde; jedoch, Alles auf dem Planeten, von den Kreaturen bis zur Fauna, ist extrem feindselig. Gut, dass Deep Rock Galactic die besten Space Miner des Universums beschäftigt: Zwerge! Hoxxes kombiniert zwei Dinge, die Zwerge am meisten lieben – Bergbau und das Töten von Monstern – und ist der perfekte Job für jeden Stolzen, space-faring Dwarf.

*** 4-player Co-Op ***
Arbeiten Sie als Team zusammen, um zu graben, explore, und kämpfe dich durch ein riesiges Höhlensystem voller Horden tödlicher Feinde und wertvoller Ressourcen. Sie müssen sich auf Ihre Teamkollegen verlassen, wenn Sie die feindlichsten Höhlensysteme der Galaxie überleben wollen!

*** 4 Unique Classes ***
Wählen Sie die richtige Klasse für den Job. Mähen Sie als Schütze durch Feinde, Spähe voraus und erleuchte die Höhlen als Späher, kaue dich als Bohrer durch festes Gestein, or support the team with defensive structures and turrets as the Engineer.

*** Fully Destructible Environments ***
Zerstöre alles um dich herum, um dein Ziel zu erreichen. Es gibt keinen festgelegten Weg, so dass Sie Ihre Mission auf Ihre Weise erfüllen können. Bohren Sie direkt zu Ihrem Ziel oder bauen Sie ein kompliziertes Netz von Pfaden, um Ihre Umgebung zu erkunden – Sie haben die Wahl. Aber gehen Sie vorsichtig vor, Sie wollen nicht unvorbereitet in einen außerirdischen Schwarm stolpern!

*** Procedurally Generated Cave Network ***
Erkunde ein Netzwerk von prozedural generierten Höhlensystemen voller Feinde, die es zu bekämpfen gilt, und Reichtümern, die es zu sammeln gilt. There’s always something new to discover and no two playthroughs are alike.

*** High-Tech Gadgets and Weapons ***
Zwerge wissen, was sie mitbringen müssen, um ihre Arbeit zu erledigen. Das bedeutet die mächtigsten Waffen und die fortschrittlichsten Geräte, die es gibt – Flammenwerfer, Gatling-Waffen, Trägerraketen für tragbare Plattformen, und viel, much more.

*** Light Your Path ***
Die unterirdischen Höhlen sind dunkel und voller Schrecken. You will need to bring your own lights if you want to illuminate these pitch-black caverns.

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