Electronic Arts – Der klassische Sci-Fi-Survival-Horror ist zurück, wenn Dead Space im Januar startet 27, 2023 for PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X.|S und PC

Rebuilt from the Ground Up Using the Frostbite Engine this Remake Will Challenge Players to Survive and Discover New Mysteries Aboard the Iconic USG Ishimura

Learn More about the Art Enhancements to the Game in this Developer Livestream

Motiv, a studio of Electronic Arts Inc. (NASDAQ: EA) today announced during their Crafting the Tension Art Developer Livestream dass Dead Space™ will officially launch on January 27, 2023 for PlayStation®5, Xbox Series X.|S und PC. Dead Space is a remake of the classic sci-fi survival horror game that is being rebuilt from the ground up leveraging the Frostbite™ game engine. Still remaining true to the original game’s thrilling vision, the remake offers enhanced audio and crisp, harrowing visuals that have been carefully reimagined to evoke a new level of immersion and quality.

Dead Space™ will officially launch on January 27, 2023 for PlayStation®5, Xbox Series X.|S und PC (Grafik: Business Wire)

Dead Space™ will officially launch on January 27, 2023 for PlayStation®5, Xbox Series X.|S und PC (Grafik: Business Wire)

“Developing this remake has been a lot of fun for us at Motive, as we’re true fans of the franchise and want to treat it with the respect it deserves. It’s been equally exciting to see playersreactions as we’re taking them on this development journey with us,” said Phillippe Ducharme, Senior Producer of Dead Space. “We’re making great progress on our road to hitting Alpha and we’re happy to announce that the game will be launching in January next year. We can’t wait for players, sowohl alt als auch neu, to see how we’ve elevated the original experience in the remake to be just as impactful for this generation.”

Dead Space puts players in the boots of Isaac Clarke, an everyman engineer on a routine mission to fix a gigantic mining starship, die USG Ishimura. But aboard the Ishimura, a living nightmare awaits. The ship’s crew has been slaughtered and infected, and Isaac’s girlfriend, Vorlieben und Abneigungen, aber einige andere sind vorprogrammiert, um mit Menschen aus dem wirklichen Leben übereinzustimmen, is missing somewhere on board. Alone and trapped, with only his engineering tools and skills, Isaac steht vor einem Überlebenskampf – not only against terrifying monsters called Necromorphs, but his own crumbling sanity.

Also revealed today in the Dead Space livestream, the team at Motive showcased an early look at how the remake visually evolves and updates the original with in-game props, tools, environments and more being reconstructed to a level of polish and details fit for the next generation of hardware and PCs. Außerdem, by combining enhancements like dynamic, volumetric lighting with atmospheric and environmental VFX rendered in full-HDR, Dead Space allows players to confront the frighteningly tight corridors and shadowed hallways of the USG Ishimura with unprecedented levels of immersion for the beloved franchise.

Will Isaac live to unravel the dreadful mystery of what happened to the slaughtered crew and ship, or be forever lost to the cold vacuum of space? Plötzlich wird ihre Position durch den auf dem Festland tobenden Konflikt ins Wanken gebracht Dead Space officially launches worldwide on January 27, 2023 for PlayStation?5, Xbox Series X.|S und PC.

For more information and to stay up to date on the remake, visit the official Website, wie Dead Space auf Facebook und Instagram, follow the franchise on Twitter and subscribe to its YouTube channel.

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Electronic Arts (NASDAQ: EA) ist ein weltweit führender Anbieter digitaler interaktiver Unterhaltung. Das Unternehmen entwickelt und liefert Spiele, Inhalte und Online-Dienste für mit dem Internet verbundene Konsolen, mobile Geräte und PCs.

Im Geschäftsjahr 2021, EA verzeichnete einen GAAP-Nettoumsatz von $5.6 Milliarden. Hauptsitz in Redwood City, California, EA wird für ein Portfolio von von der Kritik gefeierten, hochwertige Marken wie EA SPORTS™ FIFA, Battlefield™, Apex Legends™, Die Sims™, Madden NFL, Need for Speed™, Titanfall™ und F1™. Weitere Informationen zu EA finden Sie unter www.ea.com/news.

Dead Space, EA SPORTS, Schlachtfeld, Need for Speed, Apex Legends, Die Sims und Titanfall sind Warenzeichen von Electronic Arts Inc. John madden, NFL, FIFA und F1 sind Eigentum ihrer jeweiligen Eigentümer und werden mit Genehmigung verwendet.

Kategorie: EA Studios

Quelle: Electronic Arts Inc.