Evil West feuert auf allen Zylindern in The Game Awards Gameplay-Enthüllungs-Trailer
Hello everyone! Fokus Unterhaltung, all of us at Flying Wild Hog, and myself are delighted to finally show Böser Westen in action with our gameplay reveal trailer, which premiered at The Game Awards 2021. A year after the game’s reveal, you can finally get a glimpse of our high-octane combat gameplay and discover two new screenshots below, featuring Jesse facing monstrosities and a shot of one of our main characters, Edgar, working with Jesse. Our dark fantasy, Aktenvernichter, third-person action game will release in 2022.
Evil never sleeps… but it bleeds. In Böser Westen, you play as Jesse, who wields a deadly arsenal to destroy monsters threatening humanity. Get a thunder-packed uppercut of adrenaline in today’s trailer in which you can see by yourself the fast-paced and visceral third-person combat we’re working on. Paint your lightning-fueled gauntlet with monster blood using brutal combos as you blast your way through various weird west locations. Face hulking abominations, screeching monstrosities, and ancient vampires and ram them all back to hell one piece at a time in spectacular boss fights and encounters.
Böser Westen releases in 2022 auf Xbox Series X.|S und Xbox One. Players can wishlist the game now on the Microsoft Store.
We can’t wait to share you more about this game once we get closer to the release!
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Böser Westen
Focus Home Interactive
Evil never sleeps… but it bleeds.
Eine dunkle Bedrohung verschlingt die amerikanische Grenze. Als einer der letzten Agenten in einem streng geheimen Vampirjagdinstitut, Du bist die letzte Grenze zwischen der Menschheit und einem tief verwurzelten Terror, der jetzt aus den Schatten auftaucht. Rise up to become a Wild West Superhero, eradicate the vampire threat and save the United States!
In visceral, explosive combat, unleash hell with your firearms, blitzbetriebener Handschuh und Gadgets. Töte blutrünstige Monstrositäten mit Stil als Einzeljäger oder im Koop-Modus mit einem Freund. Entdecken und kämpfen Sie in einer narrativen Kampagne, während Sie Ihre Waffen und Jagdwerkzeuge verbessern. Schalte neue Vorteile frei, um deine Meisterschaft im Monstertöten weiterzuentwickeln, crafting your own playstyle to defeat the supernatural hordes.
• Battle alone or with a friend in stylish, gory action combat
• Myths and legends retold within a stylised, weird wild west universe
• Evolve with perks, upgradable weapons, und Werkzeuge
• Explore and fight through a story-driven campaign to save America