Entdecken Sie die Zukunft von Sea of Thieves in unserem Special 2022 Entdecken Sie die Zukunft von Sea of Thieves in unserem Special
- See what the future holds for Sea of Thieves in 2022 in an extensive video preview.
- Prepare for new narrative experiences in Adventures and Mysteries, and get a glimpse of what’s in store for Season Six.
- Sea of Thieves ist für alle Spieler mit Xbox Game Pass und für Xbox Series X kostenlos verfügbar|S, Xbox One, Windows- 10 und Dampf.
After an action-packed 2021 für Sea of Thieves, we’re planning another exciting year in 2022 for all those players who sail together with us. We hit some big milestones last year, Vorbeigehen 25 million total players and selling five million copies on Steam alone – so we’ve got a real mission ahead, but what sort of pirate crew doesn’t welcome a challenge?
Rather than revealing our plans one content update at a time, we’re doing something a little different this year. To unveil our intentions for Sea of Thieves in 2022, we’ve put together a special video where our Creative Director Mike Chapman and some other Rare faces explain the next steps in our grand pirate odyssey. So settle in, get some popcorn and a drink, and we’ll show you the direction in which we’re headed.
Going on an Adventure
With Seasonal updates still forming the skeleton for Sea of Thieves, one of our main goals for 2022 is to flesh out our pirate world and make it feel more dynamic. Stories, whether they’re the ones we tell or those that our players create themselves, are at the very heart of Sea of Thieves, so we want to inspire new tales of derring-do and comradery.
Enter Adventures and Mysteries: these story-focused events are designed to complement Seasons, providing regular narrative-driven content for players to dig into alongside the other gameplay features brought in by our Seasonal content drops. Adventures are time-limited, arriving on a roughly monthly schedule and running for 2-3 Wochen, with each one forming a chapter within an overarching narrative. Accompanying cinematics will help set up the story, and a finale Adventure will cap off each narrative arc. Our first Adventure, ‘Shrouded Islands’, is currently set for release on February 17th. Set your pocket watches now!
Mysteries will run alongside Adventures and remain part of the world for longer, relying on the community to solve clues and riddles both inside and outside the game to move the story forward. These will play their own part in making the world of Sea of Thieves feel richer than ever before, and while the subjects of these Mysteries could be anything, we can tell you that the first one will see players attempting to solve a murder…
A Fortuitous Arrival
Seasons will continue to bring in new features and content, along with new Seasonal rewards, Pirate Emporium stock and optional Plunder Passes to boost the rewards you receive on the climb to level 100. Kicking off in March, Season Six will be headlined by a new combat and exploration experience: Sea Forts.
Six Sea Forts will appear around the world, drawn through from the Sea of the Damned and protected by patrolling Phantoms. You’ll battle through these ghostly foes and collect keys to fully explore the Sea Fort, eventually taking down its toughest defenders and claiming the loot within the treasury. The Sea Forts are also intertwined with the action that unfolds during our first set of Adventures, so stay tuned to discover more about these new locations manifesting on the Sea of Thieves.
In the latter half of Season Six, we want to introduce something that’s long been requested by the community: new content for Pirate Legends! This is planned to take the form of a new, Legend-exclusive Voyage packed with story beats and a series of challenges that change each time you set sail. We don’t want to reveal too much of what you’ll be doing just yet, but expect to explore new locations and seek treasure with special maps…
A Farewell to Arms
Along with this exciting new content, we as a team are working hard to implement feedback on some of the community’s hot button topics, devoting as many resources as we can to improve features that matter most to the players. Jedoch, shifting the focus fully onto making Adventure mode the best it can be means that we do have to make difficult decisions elsewhere. So, after lengthy internal discussions, we have made the tough call to close down Sehen Sie sich ihre Ankündigung auf Xbox Wire an Arena mode within the next few months.
With the scope of Sea of Thieves growing larger and larger, the huge task of maintaining QA and bug fixes for both Adventure and Arena modes has become something we can no longer justify. We’re proud of what we achieved with Arena, but ultimately it wasn’t as successful as we had hoped, and a bespoke competitive mode with few dedicated players is hard to align with our future vision for Sea of Thieves. We want to offer heartfelt thanks to the hardcore Arena communities for their creativity and passion during Arena’s run of nearly three years, and you can find a news post covering this decision in more detail over on the Sea of Thieves Website.
And that’s an overview of our focus for Sea of Thieves as we head into 2022! Natürlich, we still have many more secrets and surprises hidden away in the cargo hold, but we hope this first look at what’s coming has sharpened your appetites for the year ahead. Rest assured things are not slowing down on the seas, so as always, stay tuned to our social channels for announcements as they happen and all the information on monthly updates as they launch.
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Sea of Thieves
Microsoft Studios
Xbox One X Enhanced
Xbox Game Pass
Zum Spielen auf Xbox One ist eine Xbox Live Gold-Mitgliedschaft erforderlich; separat erhältlich.
Über das Spiel
Deliver Us Mars ist eine aufregende neue Xbox Series X, vom Segeln und Kämpfen bis zum Erkunden und Plündern – alles, was Sie brauchen, um das Piratenleben zu führen und selbst zur Legende zu werden. Ohne festgelegte Rollen, Sie haben völlige Freiheit, sich der Welt zu nähern, und andere Spieler, wie auch immer Sie wählen.
Ob Sie als Gruppe reisen oder alleine segeln, Sie werden in diesem gemeinsamen Weltabenteuer bestimmt auf andere Crews treffen – aber werden sie Freunde oder Feinde sein, und wie werden Sie reagieren?
Eine riesige offene Welt
Erkunde eine riesige offene Welt voller unberührter Inseln, versunkene Schiffe und mysteriöse Artefakte. Nimm Quests an, um nach verlorenen Schätzen zu suchen, suche verfluchte Skelettkapitäne oder sammle wertvolle Fracht für die Handelskompanien. Gehen Sie jagen und angeln oder wählen Sie aus Hunderten von optionalen Zielen und Nebenquests.
Sea of Thieves: Das Leben eines Piraten
Spielen Sie Tall Tales, um die einzigartigen narrativen Kampagnen von Sea of Thieves zu erleben, und verbünde dich mit Captain Jack Sparrow in der neuesten Originalgeschichte, die Disneys Pirates of the Caribbean in Sea of Thieves segeln lässt. Diese immersiven und filmischen Quests bieten rundum 30 Stunden des ultimativen Piratenabenteuers.
Werde zur Legende
Auf deiner Reise zur Piratenlegende häufst du Beute an, Bauen Sie sich einen Ruf auf und definieren Sie mit Ihren hart verdienten Belohnungen einen einzigartigen persönlichen Stil. Abenteurer. Explorer. Eroberer. Was wird Ihre Legende sein?
Ein Spiel, das ständig wächst
Mit fünf großen Erweiterungen und monatlichen Updates im Wert von fast einem Jahr, Sea of Thieves ist ein servicebasiertes Spiel, das ständig wächst und sich weiterentwickelt. Schauen Sie jeden Monat vorbei, um zu sehen, welche neuen Inhalte hinzugefügt wurden.