Festlicher GBA-Circuit zur Mario Kart Tour für die Feiertage hinzugefügt
We are nearing the end of the Peach Vs. Bowser Tour in Mario Kart-Tour was bedeutet – like clockwork – the mobile game team is quick on the draw to let us know what goodies are coming our way next.
It turns out that the next tour in the game will see things take a turn for the festive (wer hätte das gedacht). The ‘Holiday Tour’ sets off on 12Dezember (or 13th if your are on PT) and will bring with it the return of Mario Kart: Super Schaltung‘s Snow Land. Looking at the trailer (below) we think it’s fair to say that this snowy course has had a bit of a makeover from its GBA days – looking much closer to the version that we saw on Mario Kart 8 Deluxe.
You can check out what this tour will have in store by watching the video in the following tweet:
Aber warte, that’s not all! As is to be expected, the announcement of a new tour brings with it the reveal of a new Mii Racing Suit which time will be modelled on Santa and a Reindeer. As for what will be coming next, the usual teaser silhouette was much more basic-looking this time around, so really it’s anyone’s guess!
All of this kicks off at the start of next week, so be sure to get all of your Peach vs. Bowser fun in before things take a turn for the frosty.
In other related news, this week saw the addition of many new courses and an item customisation tool in Mario Kart 8 Deluxe thanks to the Booster Course Pass Wave 3. For a mini round-up of our thoughts on these latest additions, check out our review of all that is new below.