Ehemaliger Metroid Prime Engineer gibt zu, dass er es war “Enttäuscht” Mit den Spezifikationen der Wii

Metroid Prime

Die Nintendo Wii ist wohl eine der innovativen Videospielkonsolen, die jemals veröffentlicht wurden, aber wenn es um Rohdaten geht – at the time, it was well behind the competition. This led to some third-party developers completely skipping the generation, and even certain Nintendo teams were forced to rethink their approach to next-generation games after being caught off guard by the hardware’s technical limitations.

In an interview with podcaster Reece Reilly – AKA: Kiwi Talkz, the former Metroid Prime technical lead engineer, Jack Matthews (who worked on the first three Prime games) admitted part of the reason he moved on from the studio was not just fatigue, but also because of Nintendo’s underpowerednext-generation” Hardware. For Matthews, remaining with Nintendo at Retro Studios would have meantstaying a bit in a box” und “a bit behindthe times.

Like honestly, when the Wii came out, on a technical side of things, I was a little disappointed in it and that might have also led to some of that fatigue, I really wanted to work on really cool things and I think Bryan Walker mentioned itbut part of that really did stick with me, that technically staying with Nintendo was going to mean staying a bit in a box and a bit behind, and so creatively as an engineer, that was a creative problem for me. It was hard to justify that.

While Matthews didn’t necessarily have a problem working within certain constraints, it was the fact it was going to be essentially working within thesame box” wieder – with the Wii sharing a close resemblance to the GameCube hardware. This also made Nintendo’s next-generation far less appealing to him:

It’s easy to work in a box but when it’s that same box – wieder, the Wii is fundamentally very similar hardware to the GameCube. Now the controller stuff was really cool and innovative, but I am not a gameplay programmer, I don’t really do all that much in terms of gameplay, the closest I get to gameplay is working on the visors. And so for me creatively it really did kind of sting a little bit that on Prime 3I personally was very excitedand I know some other people wereto work on what would have been next-generation hardware, and then when that was sort of pulled out, I didn’t have that much of a desire to keep working on the Wii after that for very long, so there’s one of the reasons I left.

What are your thoughts about Matthews moving on from Retro Studios and the Metroid Prime series because of the technical limitations of the Nintendo Wii? Hinterlasse unten einen Kommentar.