Fortnite Season 8 – Diese Rendering-Probleme bringen mich… Part 2.

Ich weiß nicht, was Epos wurde über dieses Problem machen, da unser erstes GESCHIMPFE tun, aber es war sicherlich Festsetzung es nicht!

Wir hatten ein 8.3 aktualisieren, und 8.4 Update und sogar ein 8.5 aktualisieren, but magically these problems have gotten worse!
I’m sure you have experienced this at some point, so I won’t drown you in pictures showing the issue, but I will share this awesome landing in Retail Row, yes this is the Pizza Shop!
I basically got stuck on the roof, and dies there since I couldn’t move, BUT WAIT, es gibt mehr… Not only did this happen when landing off the bus like before, now there were games where Retail & Tilted were NEVER rendering.

WHAT KIND of QA department does Epic have?

During a few games if you had to cross through Tilted or Retail, you might have skated through, unable to really move around, or as I did a few times, get launched into the floor to die!
Here’s what Epic had to say, both in game and on Twitter:

I know Epic is scrambling to make big changes and keep it’s players happy due to pressure of other games that are becoming popular, but don’t alienate those who are loyal!
I can see this making some players simply quit!