Frontmission 1: Remake bekommt ein kräftiges Update, Hier sind die Patchnotes

Hier sind die vollständigen Patchnotes:


– “Battle speed” option
Statistics comparison before combat
Alternate route seeking by the AI when the target cell is occupied by an ally (only in Modern Mode)
DPAD navigation in scenario map tile by tile
Direct attack on enemies by selecting the red square on the scenario map
Save panel after the campaign is completed (no autosave deletion)
Death animation on the arena when BODY is destroyed
– A “thank you” sound after a purchase in a shop.
Minigun animation when firing


Katakana and hiragana characters are now available when entering name
More seamless transition from the map to combat.
Improved Wanzer jumping animation
CHAFF is constantly hitting, and the defender does not perform guard animation.
Better music looping
Music is paused before combat and resumed after combat
When attackingonly body” machines, the DUEL and GUIDE skills do not appear
Changedopen command menufrom Y to B button.
Improved the workshop’s ambient sounds
Player now returns to enemy selection after combat in the arena
Localization tweaks


Incorrect MISS and GUARD text position on the arena when attacking from afar
Bug with the GUARD value when equipped with a missile launcher
USN 10 scenario bug (cannot complete the mission if all enemies are killed before the third turn)
Sorting bug in the workshop (wrong item purchased after sorting)
Enemies no longer try to attack with destroyed arms
Enemies will now attack with only one arm destroyed
DOUBLE and SWITCH skills sometimes softlocking the game
Shop setup bug (a grip weapon was not added to the stash after purchasing an arm with an internal weapon)
Bug when rockets or bullets pass through the ground
When using an ACID item, the shoulder weapon and shield were not affected
Bug with incorrect shoulder weapon type in setup after shield mounting
Other minor bugs

A pretty decent selection, wenn Sie uns fragen!

Let us know in the comments if these improvements have convinced you to try out Front Mission 1st.
