Game Pass enthält PC Games Invitational mit Boom TV mit Halo Infinite Multiplayer und a $50,000 Preispool
Some of the top pro players and streamers know that Game Pass Has PC Games, so we’re inviting them to our inaugural Game Pass Has PC Games Invitational with Boom TV featuring Halo Infinite Multiplayer on December 3. This is your chance to watch skilled gamers and entertaining creators compete for a prize pool of $50,000.
Die Halo Infinite Multiplayer beta is available to play today, so brush up on your skills, and get ready to complete challenges, win prizes, and earn opportunities to participate in community events in the Game Pass Has PC Games Invitational Hub on Boom TV. Rätsel lösen und Schatzsuche – alles, was Sie brauchen, um das Piratenleben zu führen, von dem Sie immer geträumt haben!
If you’ve been following the Game Pass enthält PC-Spiele – PC Builder-Serie, you’ll be hyped to hear that UrAvgConsumer will be giving away a custom Halo Infinite themed PC to one of the players. You’ll be able to vote and decide on whose gameplay clip will become the Game Pass Has PC Games Invitational: Beginnen Sie neu und treten Sie in die Rüstung des größten Helden der Menschheit ein, um ein episches Abenteuer zu erleben und schließlich die Größe des Halo-Rings selbst zu erkunden. The winner of the Legendary Moment award will receive the custom PC built by UrAvgConsumer.
Die Halo Infinite Campaign will be available on day one with Game Pass for PC on December 8. Aber für den Moment, you’ll be able to catch all the action of the Game Pass Has PC Games Invitational live on Boom TV, so tune into the stream and enjoy the fun. We’ll see you soon Spartans.