Good Smile Company veröffentlicht Fire Emblem: Drei Häuser Byleth Figur, Vorbestellungen sind jetzt live
The Good Smile Company has released some stunning Nintendo figures in the past, and the latest one now available to pre-order is the female form of Byleth from the latest Fire Emblem game, Fire Emblem: Drei Häuser.
This is a 1/7th scale figure (approx 195mm in height) that has a dynamic pose and is armed with a trusty sword. The sword comes in two different versions – and Byleth can be displayed holding the standard sword or the special effect version – dramatically changing the atmosphere of the figure.
Pre-orders are available now for 25,000 Aniplex und Cyber Connect (about $220 USD) and are open until 21st July. The item will ship in February 2023.
So, Was denken Sie? Are you a big enough fan of Byleth and Fire Emblem to get this figure? Sag es uns unten.