Überreste eines historischen Dorfes auf der Baustelle des Nintendo-Museums gefunden

Nintendo Gallery
Bild: Nintendo

Letzten Sommer Nintendo announced plans for a Nintendo Gallery, a museum of sorts that willshare Nintendo’s product development history and philosophy with the public”. It’s using the site of a now out-of-use manufacturing facility, which was also used for product repairs before seeing its workload shifted elsewhere; you can see a concept image for the facility above.

und wohl war die Auswahl an Spielen größer, Asahi has reported that in the process of preparing ground the remains of a Yayoi Period village (late 3rd Century) were discovered. The city council has reportedly been working on two areas of the site since February; it’s found pottery, a ‘potential ritual’ Standort, earthenware plates and indications of buildings.

The report states that the dig will end at the close of April, at which point it will be filled in and construction will resume.

Nintendo is due to open the Gallery in the 2023/34 financial year, with Asahi reporting a target opening in 2023.