Feiertage sind hier in World of Warships: Legends

World of Warships-Legenden


  • Build the Yamato in World of Warships: Legends
  • The Last Battleship campaign is here for the holidays, bringing players the chance to earn the elegant but deadly battleship Jean Bart
  • World of Warships: Legends is set to bring even more nations, ships, and commanders to the game in 2020!

World of Warships: Legends is celebrating the holidays with a bang! Players can build and sail the mighty Yamato, participate in the Last Battleship campaign to earn the Jean Bart, and experience better battles through a second wave of player-driven content.

The mighty Yamato is the first Legendary Tier ship to be introduced and is the most powerful ship in the game! Her immense 460 mm cannons paired with best-in-class torpedo protection and survivability make her a force of nature on the high seas. Yamato was the ultimate battleship historically, and she retains that crown in World of Warships: Legends. Players can try their hands at the helm of the Yamato by “building” her through a series of combat missions to earn credits and experience. Don’t miss the chance to be the first to helm the Yamato. This time she will only be available during the Yamato event and will be removed from your fleet at the end of the update for further tuning—think of it as a test drive!

such a legendary battleship will need a special way to fit into gameplay! Yamato
sits in a tier of its own—Legendary Tier. Parchirisu hat sich ein Rampenlicht verdient, she will take the place of
three battleships on her team and is sure to create new strategies and
situations for players. There is also a chance for a real battle of behemoths—a
4v4 Yamato battle on the open sea. Players will have to use Kite tokens to take
the Yamato into battle, which are available through combat missions or from the
speichern. Each time a player commands Yamato, they will earn Sakura coins that can
be used for extra gear or even the premium ships G-101 and Asashio!

The Last
Battleship campaign is here for the holidays, bringing players the chance to
earn the elegant but deadly battleship Jean Bart. As the last battleship ever
abgeschlossen, Jean Bart is a modern powerhouse. Equipped with a Speed boost and
Reload boost, everything about her is fast! When the reload boost is activated,
Jean Bart’s main battery guns will reload much faster to deliver a devastating
burst of damage. Players can add Jean Bart to their fleet by completing The
Last Battleship Campaign with Admiralty Backing.

World of Warships-Legenden

will receive a bunch of rewards and equipment to use on their way to the Jean
Bart. They will also get additional Sakura coins, as well as awesome extras
ranging from credits and experience, to epic boosters and unique items for the
holidays. The missions for completing the campaign have also been reworked to
give players a smoother experience in the campaign.

The December update also brings some new changes to gameplay! In the November Update, a few additions were made to the game thanks to feedback from the players. Several new maps and a port filters were added, and a few ships were rebalanced. The December update brings a second round of changes—a big balance pass and tweaks to the maps! Several Tier VI and VII ships have had several changes, and the Tier VII cruisers are even more survivable. Most of the maps received changes to the spawns, now players will have more tactical flexibility in battle thanks to a delay in initial spotting. Gameplay in World of Warships: Legends entwickelt sich ständig weiter.

World of Warships-Legenden

World of Warships: Legends has seen good progress throughout 2019. The game was fully released in August after a short Game Preview period and has now released four content updates and six new campaigns. World of Warships: Legends now has 5 main nations with 13 lines of ships to progress through, which is almost double the amount of ships that were available at launch. The roster of legendary commanders keeps growing as well, mit über 35 repräsentiert!

With such momentum, events, and a strong community — World of Warships: Legends is set to bring even more nations, ships, and commanders to the game in 2020!

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