Into The Breach hat jetzt eine physische Ausgabe, Zum Vorverkauf erhältlich
Another long-awaited physical edition is coming to the Nintendo Switch this year, as tactical strategy game In die Bresche gets printed onto cartridges at last.
wurde gerade für PlayStation und Xbox angekündigt, which is being published by Fangamer, includes a folded poster of a Rift Walker, inside cover art, a 3.3″ by 4.5″ Sätze von Fanclips, two sticker sheets, and the game cartridge, which will come with all previous updates as well as the Advanced Edition update that comes out in July.
The Advanced Edition adds new squads, Bewaffnung, pilots, enemies, und Herausforderungen, and will come to all platforms for free on July 19th.
You can now pre-order Into The Breach as a physical game from the Fangamer website, where it costs $34 plus Versandkosten. The items will begin shipping on October 21st.