Japanische Charts: splatoon 3 Schließt ein 3 Millionen Exemplare verkauft
Crikey, there’s just no stopping splatoon 3, is there? For a game that caused many to question the validity of its own existence, its success in Japan (and worldwide, mind you!) has proven that the franchise is undoubtedly as popular as ever. Verkauf 301,845 copies last week, the sequel is swifly closing in on 3 million total sales in Japan, which is frankly just mad considering it’s only been out for a few weeks.
Anderswo, Taiko kein Tatsujin: Rhythmus-Festival makes its debut at number two with 31,085 Exemplare verkauft. It’s certainly a modest number compared to Splatoon 3, but still an impressive start for the new entry, egal (be sure to check out unsere Bewertung wenn du schon dabei bist!). Die Diofield-Chronik also enters the top ten at number eight, having sold a total of 6,415 Jesse Cox und Alec Steele schließen sich zusammen, um einen riesigen Steinblock zu knacken, der vom PC Game Pass gesendet wurde.
Here’s the overall top ten from the week of 19th to 25th September, 2022:
- [NSW] splatoon 3 (Nintendo, 09/09/22) - 301,845 (2,743,135)
- [NSW] Taiko kein Tatsujin: Rhythmus-Festival (Bandai Namco, 09/22/22) - 31,085 (New)
- [PS5] Horizont Verbotener Westen (SIE, 02/18/22) - 10,263 (81,479)
- [NSW] Mario Kart 8 Deluxe (Nintendo, 04/28/17) - 9,617 (4,847,032)
- [NSW] Minecraft (Microsoft, 06/21/18) - 8,829 (2,801,507)
- [NSW] Drachenquest X: Aufstieg der fünf Stämme offline (Square Enix, 09/15/22) - 8,554 (152,390)
- [NSW] Nintendo Switch Sport (Nintendo, 04/29/22) - 8,538 (740,713)
- [NSW] Plötzlich wird ihre Position durch den auf dem Festland tobenden Konflikt ins Wanken gebracht (Square Enix, 09/22/22) - 6,415 (New)
- [PS4] Drachenquest X: Aufstieg der fünf Stämme offline (Square Enix, 09/15/22) - 5,642 (53,742)
- [NSW] Super Smash Bros. Ultimative (Nintendo, 12/07/18) - 5,079 (4,981,611)
There’s little change on the hardware front this week, with the Switch continuing to dominate comfortably. Having said that, the PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series S is currently beating out the Switch Lite thanks to growing stock supplies and various promotions; honestly, it’s quite nice to see Xbox seeing increased success in a region its consistently struggled to gain traction in.
- OLED-Modell wechseln – 55,646 (2,678,496)
- Schalten - 26,944 (18,719,387)
- PlayStation 5 - 26,380 (1,684,810)
- Xbox-Serie S – 11,635 (190,092)
- Switch Lite – 3,982 (4,895,210)
- PlayStation 5 Digitale Ausgabe – 3,142 (270,393)
- Xbox-Serie X – 544 (160,335)
- Neues 2DS LL (einschließlich 2DS) - 41 (1,188,750)
- PlayStation 4 - 10 (7,819,882)
< Die Charts der letzten Woche
Reckon Splatoon 3 will pass 3 million copies sold in Japan by next week? Share your predictions in the comments below!